Parking ticket

So I got a parking ticket today. I thought the lot I parked in was permit parking for Waynesburg College, turns out it was permit parking for Waynesburg borough. $5…Not a big deal, until you add up all the other bs this week. Yesterday was the first day of classes. I was scheduled for a microbiology lab. Little did I know most labs don’t meet on the first day of class. So I drove like a half hour to the school for nothing. Then I forgot I had the actual microbiology class at 8am today…Guess I shouldn’t have been drinking last night because I missed the whole class this morning. Dom woke me up at 8:30 and said “Do you have class this morning?” Oops. So I jump outta bed and get ready for my 9:30 class…Parked in a lot that said permit parking only…Assumed this was for WC because it was right next to the science building…Only to find a ticket on my windshield when I came out. Apparently that half of the lot is borough parking. And to add to the fun, I ordered used books from and their not all here yet. :owned:

Welcome to college. Chances are since you comute you will make more classes. I know when I lived on campus I missed assload of classes lol.

I commute too, and rarely miss classes either

I car pooled with two buddies of mine from highschool for 2 years straight and I dont remember ever missing a class.

Well…The microbiology teacher explained that he doesn’t take attendance because we are paying to go to college, and basically he is employed by us, so it’s up to us if we wan’t to take advantage of the classes. So that probably meant stay home to at least half the class :smiley:

haha. Thats whats great about having different types of teachers. You got the easy teachers that leave the responsability on your shoulders then theres the hard teachers that take responsability for you. Its good to endure both styles.

sorry to hear about the ticket, glad you got a cool teacher :smiley:

At least it’s the 8am class that doesn’t take attendance lol

W(ho)TF signs up for any 8am class, especially as a commuter, lol!:slap:

J/k, good luck with the classes. Half always had good prices for my stuff, but I never got them on time.

good luck i hate getting up at 8am

I went to the store the other day, I was only in there for about 5 minutes and when I came out there was a damn motorcycle cop writing a parking ticket.

So I went up to him and said, ‘Come on buddy, how about giving a guy a break?’ He ignored me and continued writing the ticket.

So I called him a pencil necked nazi. He glared at me and started writing another ticket for having bald tires!!

So I called him a horse shit. He finished the second ticket and put it on the car with the first. Then he started writing a third ticket!! This went on for about 20 minutes, the more I abused him, the more tickets he wrote.

But I didn’t give a damn. My car was parked around the corner.


plz stfu and diaf

come do it :bigok:

hahaha… shaggy is funny

I didn’t sign up for it…I didn’t get to pick my schedule. What kinda dumbass do I look like (don’t answer that)? Here’s the deal, technically I am a Washington Hospital School of Nursing Student…Washington Hospital sends their nursing students to Waynesburg for a semester to take the general classes, therefore we don’t get to choose our schedule because they have to fit us into their classes. So even though I pay just as much tuition as any other Waynesburg College student, I get the shaft when it comes to scheduling.