part time

any one have hook ups to a part time job. i would like to work at a shop. don’t have a mechanics lisecence but i can sweep,clean up around the shop and other general tasks. don’t expect much pay,probably minimum wage. i perfer cash since i am collecting E.I now. let me know if theres any oppertunities for me. thanks

here’s a good resource guys,

This is a government of Canada run site that has job listings for many diverse areas and fields across Canada but more importantly Ontario;) It’s for students and others looking for part time or full time job listings, thanks to my uncle for letting me know, when I was searching for a job earlier.

Good luck to all the current job hunters!

Getting a job is becoming damn difficult. I’m finishing my first year in 1.5 weeks and have not yet got a confirmed co-op. One would think with an 85% average it would be a little easier.

its balls hard to get into aprenticeships in the auto field right now man.
i lost my job about 7 months ago and its gotten a lot worse from then…

same here.wish i still have my has been alost harder finding a job.still no luck

apply at a quick lube.

nvm totally missed the part where you’re collecting EI