parts from nz

i have a few people in nz that i can get good deals on parts from. ill be having a few turbos sent over in the next few weeks, but i can have other orders sent anytime. id be using the 3-10 day air mail so anything that you want would take 10 working days or less. im not sure what if anything you guys would want but just ask and ill get a good price.

are you talking new or used stuff?

i can get a few used, new or rebuilt turbos, and lots of other stuff, but ive only looked at mazda and subaru parts really. if you have something yould like a price on i can see what i can do for ya…im really not looking to make anything except , just get cheaper shipping. if the items are cheap enough i might add 20 bucks to some things , but it would all really go towards gettin as many parts at a time sent … the turbos im going to be getting first are most likely a new /rebuilt vf10, a usd vf and either a vf8 and vf12 or 2 vf8s depending what he can get me first. even with me adding 20 or so on the the price ive found most things are still way under what others are selling them for…

I have a friend in NZ… they get tons of used JDM stuff for almost nothing.

yea, deffinatly. im just basically grabbing stuff i can resell on other forums i use. nothing much people here would want probably. besides possibly the ihi vf’s im getting but you guys are more into higher performance so who knows… but they have a site over there my buddys will buy stuff from its like ebay. its if anyone wants to take a look around. one of my buddys will gladdly buy the items and send them over. but due to past transactions, he wants the money first. but thatll be more you pay me ,half and the other half upon pickup. and ill just cover what i can . but like him im not eating parts i dont need… depending who gets the items for me will very the pricing, one guys just adding a few bucks on everything he gets, and another i use more if i cant get it from the other guy… hes a little bit more expensive generally. for example the injector sets im grabbing from one guy are about 40 nz each and the other guy would want around 70-90nz. but they sell here for 70-120 a set so some parts i can deal on and some not…i should be making another order by the end of the week for the used vf10 and possibly the vf8 if its ready to go, a mazda familia bpd/gtr ecu (1 of 2500) , some other misc parts. they pay by weight more then size so the more things i can group together , i can disperse the shipping a lil more evenly and get better deals for everyone… as i order more stuff, im goin to try and group things together for shipping safety so i dont have a turbo crush a vaf,ecu,injectors, or anything easily broken…

oh btw, for the record last i looked 1 nz = .53 cents american so we got a hell of an exchange right now… it was .58 last i looked a few days ago