party for 1995z2d8

I am having some people over on Saturday July 28 for Rob’s 20th birthday. I am doing BBQ, videos outside on a big screen, fire… whatever else. I just wanna get some of his friends and whoever else over to celebrate with him. Theres tons of land and siq country roads out here to cruise around so if you think you can make it post. and let me know what i should do to make this a fun time. its gonna be at 5 Cayuga Creek Road (Robs new place) in Alden at like 2 till whenever.

sounds like a good time. wish i could make it(even tho idk if ive ever met rob or anything).

have fun, be safe.

Awesome…should be a sweet time :slight_smile:



in because my birthday is about 4 days after that :slight_smile: and i guess because rob is cool too. lets get crunk!

oh yeah woody it is your birthday too huh…everyone can come over i dont care but unfortunately I can not buy the booze a few months too shy for that lol. but bring whatever and i will have food and some drinks. just try and let me know whos in so i know how much food to get.



