Past 2 nights...

well let me explain to u - when u act buddy buddy in person, then get on the internet and talk shit - that would be two faced. im not really defending him, just telling u i think you’re being an asshat. the same i would to anyone who i think is being an asshat.

see there’s that stupid mockery again. don’t be jealous or mad b/c you don’t have it or can’t do it.

i told u i’m not worried about my car. i also have two other vehicles, a jet ski, a house, investments, and a g/f to suck me dry - all of which come before it right now. you just be happy with that mad fast birdy that lets you feel big, do some sweet racing every night, and talk shit. :slight_smile:


I don’t see how its being two faced…I don’t like Badazz and haven’t liked him going on 5 years now…He showed up at the end of the BBQ…Your not so bad when your not trying to defend badazz but oh well.

Im sure PM is busy…Maybe some running cars in 2008?

Ok? So go finish your car and don’t post anymore…
