Past 2 nights...

Sorry im slow…I just check

Fast = The act of not having a running car and talking shit.

Not Fast = Having a running car on the road.

since when does a dana60 become the standard to be a ‘track only’ car?

the FAST cars ARE out.

^^ That was me posting from Sherm’s account

Toda stfu…you still owe me a run :wink:

Sherm you crack me up with that noise :lol:




Maybe I was laughin at jackstands try to buy friends with some praise, but you sure got all defensive about it. I never said anything about who you talk to or what you drive… projecting much?

Dan Marvin & Big hands are fast. Im still :lol: that everyone with a running car must get put into that class now.

[quote=“BaD AZz Z/28,post:45,topic:33897"”]

Sherm you crack me up with that noise :lol:


I know the truth hurts :hang:

Dan Lessers Viper is even back on the road before you made a 10sec pass :slight_smile:

sorry Dan :lol:

[quote=“BaD AZz Z/28,post:45,topic:33897"”]

Maybe I was laughin at jackstands try to buy friends with some praise, but you sure got all defensive about it. I never said anything about who you talk to or what you drive… projecting much?


sure sounds to me like your saying we slow…?

sounds like it to me too

So when are all the fast cars going to actually prove they are fast and go to the track?


So when are all the fast cars going to actually prove they are fast and go to the track?


Since your all about the track.

Why don’t we go run at lancaster???

Obviously you should stomp me in the 1/8th mile…why waste the gas driving all the way to NYI…you have heads/cam/dana60…

someone PM me who hates who now so I can instigate more accurately, I’m outta the loop.

[quote=“BaD AZz Z/28,post:45,topic:33897"”]

Sherm you crack me up with that noise :lol:

Maybe I was laughin at jackstands try to buy friends with some praise…


Some people called the Beatles and Elvis noise

Also if I am jackstands, then you are jackstands³. Just because Sherm is riding you don’t start with me. Projecting much?? (do you even know what that means?)

[quote=“Toda Party,post:51,topic:33897"”]

someone PM me who hates who now so I can instigate more accurately, I’m outta the loop.


You have a PM

[quote=“BaD AZz Z/28,post:21,topic:33897"”]

edit: besides, jeeves mops up


Are you talking about mopping up the floor at PM performance? Im confused…

[quote=“Toda Party,post:51,topic:33897"”]

someone PM me who hates who now so I can instigate more accurately, I’m outta the loop.




So when are all the fast cars going to actually prove they are fast and go to the track?


There not…It cost money,tech is ghey,long drive…ex Street is free and highways are close :wink:


Are you talking about mopping up the floor at PM performance? Im confused…



Yup - highways are closer than NYI

and cheaper

hey badazz…im pretty sure my SHAKEDOWN runs last year puts shame to any of your times. you accuse US of calling our cars fast, in the same league of big hands and dan marvin (which we arent), but you do the same thing, and you have the LEAST credibility to do so.

THREE YEARS i’ve heard you say i will run 10s in green. HA. HA. HA. i thought you were ONE day away THREE+ months ago. HAHAHA.

street racing is dead? why, because you dont have a car to go out and lead cruises anymore? :cry:


Ugh time to go to a meeting brb

Mark you talked yourself into a bench racer… you have proved nothing but :blah: good thing you have jeeves to ride your sack though :slight_smile: