Patriots fined... *Updated with fines*

red sox got busted for the same thing, fucking idiots.

they got caught stealing signs from the outfield bleechers.

I hear they got the idea from “Bring it on”

pic of said cameraman…



“Last season, the Green Bay Packers had an issue with a man wearing a Patriots staff credential who was carrying a video camera on their sideline.” taken from

yeah i just saw that, too bad green bay didnt do anything about it tho. Would of been interesting if they did.

Much bigger image of that picture posted earlier.

I’m having doubts that’s legit. If so, is it any wonder he was caught? :lol:

Wait, he was on the same side of the field? Are you seroius?


lol yes walter, thats why its a problem :stuck_out_tongue: he was ON THEIR sideline :lol:

See my problem with the whole thing is that they have a good team already. Teams that suck should be allowed to cheat to make it fair.

didnt the jets get busted last year?


Wait, he was on the same side of the field? Are you seroius?





Stealing signs in baseball has been going on since baseball started. Its looked upon differently in baseball, although still under the “dirty” category. Baseball as a whole…just not a clean sport really.

As far as the patriots stealing defensive signs, yes its cheating. Is anybody surprised? Belichick wears a freakin hoody on the sidelines on sundays…hes a poor sport when he loses, and to me he just comes off as a little baby. Pouting to the media like a child when they lose. You can tell this board is dominated by bills fans (obviously) for all those who say fuckem, pats are cheaters, they cheated thousand times, didnt deserve any titles bla bla bla. Not even close to the truth. They are a great team, and have been for a long time. I have nothing against the team and nothing against tom brady (because there really isnt a legit reason to hate him other than he lights up the bills when they play) Bill however…well lets just say i lost a little respect for him, but still think hes got a great football mind.

they deserved to get caught for being that bad at cheating lol.


didnt the jets get busted last year?


No. The Pats got busted by Green Bay last year. Post #25.


Wait, he was on the same side of the field? Are you seroius?



On their sideline in their stadium in their city. Dude has balls!

New England Patriots coach Bill Belichick has been fined the maximum amount under the NFL Constitution and By-Laws of $500,000 for violating league policy last Sunday on the use of equipment to videotape an opposing team’s offensive or defensive signals.

In addition, Commissioner Roger Goodell also notified the Patriots that they would forfeit their first-round draft choice in 2008 if they reach the playoffs, or their own second-round and third-round picks if they do not qualify for the playoffs, and that the club would be fined $250,000.


losing 1st rounder > single game forfeiture

hahah was just about to post this

i lol’d when i read it


1/2 a mil is quite pricey…maybe that’ll make him a less smug bastard