Our car club is going to put on a show for the second year at Jay’s Sports Bar and Grill at Southpoint. It’s located in Cannonsburg (where the Pens practice). Last year it was a sucess but we learned a few lessons also. Last year we had about 55 cars and would like to see 100 this year!
- This year it will only be $5 to pre-register and $10 at the gate. Last year we charged $15,$20 and decided that was way to much.
- We are going to try to make drive in registration in the afternoon instead of the morning. I guess hangovers are common among car guys, everyone was getting there so late.
- A nice follow up on our own website was requested.
- The late DJ sucked and we will have a back up this year.
- Gear it for all cars and not just imports… I missed the classics!
Now If anyone could answer 3 things.
- If you where there what would you like to see differently.
- Can I post Info on the show and our website linking to the URL or would that be considered soliciting?
- Does pittspeed have a tent to set up? I’m sure the club would be cool with that.
Any other suggestions are welcome! We want it to be a good time and just want to host an event that people enjoy going to every year.