Our car club is going to put on a show for the second year at Jay’s Sports Bar and Grill at Southpoint. It’s located in Cannonsburg (where the Pens practice).
Any other suggestions are welcome! We want it to be a good time and just want to host an event that people enjoy going to every year.
Ha, Ha, I think we got off on the wrong foot…Yes! we will have a truck class! (as we did last year) One for sport trucks and one for the slamed Mini trucks.
Last year we split it with the Washington Area Humane Society. This year I think we are going to give a portion to Washington Arts. (they are non-profit)
We do keep half and it goes to paying for certian events and our website within our car club. Got a turbo car? join up… You would be suprised how little is made after trophies, shirts, and a DJ. Last year we cleared $40… That was mainly because we ordered $300 worth of T-shirts and sold about 20 of them. We lost alot there… 1st year mistake I guess.
*Noted and changed.
*OK now what would you guys like to see out of a show. Here’s what we got so far.
*1:30 - 3:30 Drive in registration/set up time. After 3:30 the show starts. Jays runs food and drink specials all day like last year.
DJ will plays some tunes.
*Judging is at 7:30 and announced at 8:00. After that there will be an after party where else but Jay’s Sports bar.
*Other entertainment will be the 50/50 raffle, Some freebe giveaways (ex. a wash bucket from advanced auto), Sand volleyball, and a cornhole Tournament winner takes all…
Those were just examples.
Also you could win…*Classes are
“best” Import
Peoples choice award
Club choice
Last year we had a dozen hondas and Mitsu’s .I’ll look but I think we really didn’t have enough Scoobies to make a trophy for it. We do always order a few extra trophies in case an overwhelming amount of say… Mustangs show up…We would make a best stang class… It’s open. We won’t order the trophies for another month. Would you guys like a Subie class or any others? Just speak up because it doesn’t require much more work on my part. We only had 1 Nissan last year, it was a 350Z that actually ended up winning best of show and the 50/50 raffle!
That stinks. I’ll come pick up your car. That’s when we always would go back in the day. It’s a nice break time and pre peak season. We plan if for then to not get in the way of the busy summertime events.
Ok the date is set. It’s May 10th and the Online registration will be up on our website this weekend. www.snailspeedcarclub.com
The times will be 1:30-3:30 drive in registration
Show will be 3:30-8:30 with awards at 8:00
Classes will be voted on the 19th at our meeting.
Preregistration is $5
$10 at the door
More details to come.