Pay close attention to your bank statements/credit cards

I had an interesting call from my CC company today.

Sir, Have you been to Turkey lately?


Have you been to the New England Region in the past month?

Why are you asking me this?

Well it appears that there were several charges made on your acct. in Turkey in the past month and then 30 more charges made in the NE Area.

Seems the crooks are making IDENTICAL Credit Cards and testing them overseas and shipping them over here…Bastards.


Damn, where in Turkey? I was in Turkey two months ago and used my card, have not had any calls or problems though. What card was it, Visa, MS, AE???


Hmm, where have been some of your last purchases? Anything you might think is suspect?

After getting the call today they immediately canceled the card and are reviewing my statement very close.

The problem is that I put EVERYTHING from a pack of gum to Laptops on this card so I usually wouldnt notice a bunch of minor purchases…which these seem to be. Nothing was over 100 dollars.

I had my CC stolen by someone in New Mexico and HSBC caught it becuase they tried to buy 50$ with of mcdonalds food. Talk about idiots.

I also do this but I also budget my money for every expenditure I make so I know pretty much what I have in my account at all times and check it every day or so, I’ll look closer at some of the items from now on. :tup: for the warning.

This happened to us at work with our corprate card. Someone tried using it in Saudi Arabia. Stupid fucks.

lol who doesn’t check their cards/accounts daily?

lol word, stupid repubs, that’s who!

jk kyle. :grouphug:


I admit that I am very care free with the level of effort I put into managing my $, but this was a bit of a wake up call.

And since I am soooo ballin and icy…I dont gots to worry bout my shit gettin declined that I gots to check da funds ery’ day.

everybody’s a comedian…

I check my bank accounts, company card and personal card at least twice a day… I’m psycho about that.

I check them too… They all seem to be in order.

Dammit ILC… I told you only a few things. I mean was “Firemen 4” really necesary… the girls in the office keep giving me weird looks.

If you have an HSBC account, use this. You put all of your financial/utility/whatever accounts on there once and they’re there for good. Much better than checking all of their balances individually.

(I just used there, their, and they’re correctly, all in one post. There is hope for NYspeed after all!)