Here is the deal…

My professor/employer needs to record 24/7 for month, every month.
He doesnt need full 30 fps, 5-15 fps will do. But audio needs to be high quality, 44khz and not less.

-1gb Ram
ATI All in wonder 7500 video/capture card…

an RCA or maybe an RF connector will be used to capture audio/video

What we need:
-Put 1 month of footage (24/7) on a 500GB external hard drive
-5-15 fps with 44khz ~128kbps+
-320X240 or 640x480
-Need a program that lets me capture for that long and with those settings


good luck keeping windows working that hard 24/7 for a month without craping out on you

so cause windows is running for 24/7 its gonna crap out?

if its a dedicated machine to this task there should be no reason for it to “crap out”

I have experience both of the above. Windows is unpredictable.
It will be a minimal software install…nothing except capturing will be done.

Just need a software to do it with, any ideas?

geeze… I don’t know about that. You’d need some software that would compress it in realtime. Just an FYI, when recording about an hour worth of video with my capture card, it uses approx 8gb of data in it’s raw state

what about just using a script or a batch file to automatically run some compression software on the file every 2 hours or something… although youd still need the software to do it.

they have kits for this type of stuff on tigerdirect (comes with the card, software and cameras) for around 500 or so

yeah, you don’t want to do this with a all in wonder card.

They aren’t made for that.

You want a CCTV card, and coax running to the security cameras.

The software that comes with it should be fine.

My boss at my old job had a windows 2000 machine running a cctv program, it ran for like 3 years straight.

It was setup to reboot the system once a week at random times (usually during business hours).

He only needed a few days worth of footage, so you don’t need too much hard drive space (especially by todays standards).

A real security system uses vcr’s or dvd recorders instead of a computer hard drive. Much more reliable than a computer.