I ran a full memtest on 1 and it gave no errors, the other stick just throws 1000s of errors from the start when tested individually. I just filled out a form to get an RMA # from corsair to send it in, they may want both since I bought them as a pair, the form said
I did not think it was the ram since it booted fine and ran bios and the windows cd, just seemed like it had problems copying certain files, I have had RAM problems before where their was no post, or no post and several beeps, but that was in my old comp using 1 stick of RAM, thanks guys :tup:
Yeah, usually ram problems don’t post or give you beep codes. Anywho, hopefully they can get it to you fast. I’ve had problems with their RMA dept’s before taking a couple weeks to process a request for something over the phone was told it would go right through
GL either way
Mingle also ran his computer for a day without the correct type of RAM in the machine.
(It just failed to boot the next day fyi)
SHit happens I guess.
ya, sucks that with hardware problems they rarely ever give you any warning, shit just goes on the spot
p.s. I remember that, lol
Why not use your credit card and get advanced replacement? I do that with anything… because who wants to be down while you wait for them to ship it back?
Theres always the Wii to surf teh internets with
well I got my RAM back… or new stuff, it came with the exact packaging it would come in if you bought it from a store. I ran it through 1 whole memtest and no errors at 2-3-3-6 at 200mhz(DDR400) recommended settings,
pretty much.
glad to here your machine is back up and running cuz
hells ya, I gave it a hug, the RAM came too late to join in on the beta stress test for the LOTR MMORPG but I did not have the time to invest in it anyways.