peace out NYspeed!

Dear friends of NYspeed,

Sorry for my disappearance for the past year+ but I’ve been slowly planning for my departure from WNY and I’m now moving to Colorado this weekend. It’s a lot easier to leave for the first time if you’re not attached to everyone in the area (thats my logic anyways). It’s been a lot of fun, and there are a good number of you that I’ll miss. Thanks for the mighty / southgate meets and roll races down “the track”. Thanks to my friends for many wasted nights at the Ritz and the Harlem Roadhouse. I’ll miss u guys. Maybe in a few years when I’m settled in and I have a garage to make my man cave out of, I’ll fill it with another 300zx or maybe something different. Until then, I bid you farewell. later suckers!

Congrats. :tup: where in Colorado?

Congratz and good Luck :tup:

Anything make you decide to goto Coloarao, going to be in the Denver area? That is a nice city.


saw you getting off the 90 yesterday in the rx8. good luck with colorado :tup:

Eagle. its a small town about 20 minutes west of Vail. I have 2 brothers in the area, and the GF has family in Colorado Springs. We both love it there and she happened to land a civil engineering job for the state DOT, working right in Eagle. I’m hoping to land a job working on the slopes all winter while i look for a job at an engineering firm.

Goodluck Woodrow, Colorado is really nice i’m sure you’ll enjoy it :tup:


Good luck broseph, it’s been real.

I was just talking about you like 3 days ago

:tup: guy

Eagle, isn’t there where Kobe Bryant’s sexual assault trial happen?

Thats a pretty small town, isn’t it?

Wow awesome!

Great place, best of luck.

good luck holmes

fixed :slight_smile: and good luck with the move … i hope to be in the same boat down the road

good luck… i’m currently planning my escape as well.

Wow, good luck dude!

oh my bad. thanks

thanks guys. i’ll probably post pics of my rx in the mountains with my new dslr camera once im out there to further rub it in :slight_smile:

and yeah, eagle is tiny as shit. i like it that way, or at least for now.

so you’re finally out buddy? its been good. to bad I won’t be there to help push your crappy rx-8 out of the parking lot in a snow storm. ps…i think those wipers you got me are still on my car…they’re never coming off now.

Best of luck old friend :tup:

Make sure you make time for one last brew before you go bro.

One of the most solid people you will ever meet…my friend woodrow :frowning:

Good luck Sonny!!