Pee Without Noise Stool – Yeah, Apparently This Is Real

about 6 replies in here made me lol.

Jammer has witnessed me pissing in the neighbors mailbox. Federal offense FTW!!


we all did that night, we all did.

I wonder what the kettle is saying in the ‘sitting’ box…

They need to make something for loud shitting. Thats the embarassing one. Especially when there is a bathroom right off the living room. I have some spray shits that have drowned out the sound of the TV before, thats with the door closed and exhaust fan running

Honestly, this works for both shitting and pissing: I know, I have done it.

Take a handful of toilet paper and throw it in the toilet bowl just before you shit or piss. The toilet paper sits just under the surface of the water and “catches” your shit or piss. Instead of falling into a huge pool of water, your shit is falling on a “cushy” bed of toilet paper. Virtually noise/splash free. Works everytime.

until your toilet overflows and does $5,000 worth of damage to the bathroom and surrounding areas

courtesy flush wil eliminate the big wad of paper.

my problem isnt so much the turd falling, its the machine gun effect from the farts.

courtesy flush that includes big sound-deadening wad of TP and poopy has toilet clogging potential.

youre a tard.

big wad he doesnt mean half a roll. like 5-10 sheets son.

you must be droppin small turds

yup, youre dumb.

A small handful of tissue numbynuts. Not the whole roll.

Please don’t tell me your one of those 1-2 sheet wipers?! I like a handful for every wipe.

big turds=big splash=large amounts of TP required to silence the impact.

…and then you pewp in the bathtub, and your date is screaming “Im gonna call the cops!” and…

Your logic is flawed.

Splash = Large object breaking surface tension of H20, splash is relative to the size of the object.

If you break the surface tension with a small handful of TP, you will effectively eliminate a splash that will cause any noticeable sounds or “spray back”. The most helpful part of the TP “cushion” is that the splash is greatly reduced because the speed of kinetic energy of said object will be reduced to nothing more than a ripple.

See diagram below:

Is that a smiling turd?

sure why not