penn dot rant


there isn’t a thing that PennDot can do without fucking it up somehow. There is always some form to fill out and some waiting period on everything. Nothing is instant, despite the millions spent on computers and so on. Some things never change.

When i went to get my stuff updated, i asked to change my height. They lady said, “You only have to update if you are more than three inches taller or shorter”. I said, “well, i was 5’8, now Im 6’1” She replies, “Well then your fine”…I was like fuck it, im not arguing with this woman

she said the same thing to me i was like hey im 3ft 5in an now im 6ft 10in she was like oh sweetie dont worry about it :itr41:

well after months of dealing with penn dot i finally went to get my picture taken… so i go over to east liberty. go down where the pics are taken and the lady is like “we only take the pictures here” i dropped a few f-bombs but quickly apologized to the nice lady as it was not her fault. she said that penn hills could handle this as they were the DMV and east liberty is only a photo center… So… I head out to penn hills. The supervisor i spoke with on the phone at penn dot told me that the DMV could make the changes on-site. so i get called to take my pic and i tell the lady and she’s like “You have to go to that other line to make the changes” i look at the mamoth line and say back " you know what…take my fucking picture , i dont give a fuck"

how can the state be so inefficient. the person taking the pic should be able to make the change right there as she is LOOKING RIGHT AT YOU! I mean i know that would probably confuse the trained monkeys that work at penn dot, God forbid they press more than 2 buttons.

also i would like to comment on the state of the country based on the demographics i saw at the DMV… what a pathetic cross section of people. i was sitting next to a real life genuwine wigger. i mean this kids MC hammer esque jeans waist had to be slightly above his knee. they might have been washed a few months back. he was slumped over in his seat as if he was dead from a drive-by shooting. he also has his bling bling start up kit, molester/white trash mustache, jersey with faded numbers and big ugly tennis shoes. He was one of the slightly normal people!

Maybe that’s a workflow issue not an issue with the person not being able to press buttons. It’s quite possible that her PC setup was not equipped for changing demographic information.

Maybe it’s not their job to go to court – I mean, change your info…