Pens @ PNC Park

Team 2009 payroll
New York Yankees $201,449,189
New York Mets $149,373,987
Chicago Cubs $134,809,000
Boston Red Sox $121,745,999
Detroit Tigers $115,085,145
Los Angeles Angels $113,709,00
Philadelphia Phillies $113,004,046
Houston Astros $102,996,414
Los Angeles Dodgers $100,414,592
Seattle Mariners $98,904,166
Atlanta Braves $96,726,166
Chicago White Sox $96,068,500
San Francisco Giants $82,616,450
Cleveland Indians $81,579,166
Toronto Blue Jays $80,538,300
Milwaukee Brewers $80,182,502
St. Louis Cardinals $77,605,109
Colorado Rockies $75,201,000
Cincinnati Reds $73,558,500
Arizona Diamondbacks $73,516,666
Kansas City Royals $70,519,333
Texas Rangers $68,178,798
Baltimore Orioles $67,101,666
Minnesota Twins $65,299,266
Tampa Bay Rays $63,313,034
Oakland Athletics $62,310,000
Washington Nationals $60,328,000
Pittsburgh Pirates $48,693,000
San Diego Padres $43,734,200
Florida Marlins $36,834,000

they are ahead of 7 teams that spend more money than them including cleveland and houston that is over 100 mil. the cubs are only .500 and look how much they spend.

I’m sure we can all be spared the details and excuses by a team employee.

The Pirates have sucked dick since 1992. The only reason people go is for “Something to do” and the special giveaways/concerts/fireworks.

The Nutting’s are pretty good at milking money from people and should be run out of town.

I believe they needed the new stadium to be competitive, if I recall correctly. When does that part happen? I also seem to remember the people who’d be paying for it saying no thanks, but it got pushed through, anyway.

whether the pirates are competitive or not the stadium and the team bring in $$$$… go to the people who work at mullins or firewaters or atrias and tell them that the pirates suck and no one should pay attention to them. i’m sure they feel a lil different.

3 rivers was horrible for baseball and excellent for football but yet rooney pulled the same tricks…even threatened to move the team outside the city… in turn a stadium that absolutely sucks was built… heinz field is fuckin horrible.

Atleast a team fucking wins at Heinz Field.

I could give 2 fucks less how much money the Nutting’s are making off of fucking skyblast night. They have turned this City’s baseball team into the laughing stock of the league for 17 years now.

You do realize they just bought the team, right?

you just dont get it… its two separate things. its how was a baseball stadium more benificial than a football stadium to the citys economy… the other issue is the teams performance. and within that there is the underlying issue of how MLB doesnt have the same rules for a team to succed like football and hockey. you keep ignoring black and white facts that spending more and more money isn;t goin to garentee anything. the cubs, mets and even LA havent won anything in the last 20 years and continue to spend tons of money. It hasnt even worked consistantly for the yankees. The pirates are in a catch 22 right now because previous regimes (way before mclatchy, littlefield, bonifay) left their farm systems baron of any talent. You can sit here and say how much better the pirates would be if they had bay and nady and mcclouth but i remember they were just as bad of not worse when they had them. A lot of things have been out of their control as well… Oliver Perez was untouchable his first year then went in the shitter…you can’t blame the onwer for that stuff. you can;t blame the owner for adam laroche hitting 35 HRs in ATL and then trading for him and hit shits the bed in april may and june… Casey Stengel could rise from the dead and manage the team and it wouldnt mean they would win more games…Forget about 93-08…there isnt shit that can be done about it now…its 09…they are finally starting to make ground on getting too consistancy. you cant get good until you are consistant. the fact they are doing slightly better without bay/mcclouth/nady’s HR’s is a credit to how good the moves actaully were… the pirates are doing it with speed, contact hitting and consistant pitching. That is the model they need to follow. They simply cant outbid the yanks, sox, cubs, mets…etc for the big HR guys. The Pirates under the MLB structure would have to throw all their eggs in one basket and they proved it doesnt work… they’ve went out and signed quality players that have come here and went in the tank and then get blamed for signing washed up bums when it was not the case. They paid kendall big money to make the fans happy and he couldnt get an extra base hit to save his life. They had giles who hit 30+ HRs on a regular basis and LOST with him.

to be fair the nuttings didnt just buy they team. they have been the silent majority for atleast 8 years… McClatchy was just the face because he was part owner/CEO. he infact only ever owned 10-15% of the team. he took all the abuse when he really wasnt the man behind the black curtain. his initial investment was 10mil when the team was bought for 90mill in 96. i mean mcclatchy to the pirates was less than mcginleys were to the steelers. there are many entities that have their hand in the pirates. one of which is the pittsburgh associates…there are a lot of people who are part of them. to put things in perspective the pirates playing in a league with the yanks, red sox, etc…is like the corner store going against walmart.

I’m not making excuses…i just understand the reasons of why they haven;t done well on a regular basis… I want to see them do well as much if not more than the average fan…it affects me in more ways than just my fan side. I would love to be getting a ring just like the steelers and penguins front office staff. for most of my career here i have been against most of what they did in baseball ops but i still understood the pirates cant compete in the current MLB. the fan in me doesnt want to support losing but i now really do think progress is being made from A to the big leagues and believe their is reason to be positive.

good read :bigthumb:

too bad Cleveland couldn’t do shit after that 9th inning come back yesterday on the Brewers :frowning:

pgh is long accused of being fairweather fans…but when the weather is stormy and coudy for 16 years, you kinda dont want to even bother. when they were good in the early 90’s, they had a lot of fans. its not about winning a world series, its about at least being semi-decent. forget salary cap issues. money has nothing to do with it., the yankees spend the most every year, they dont win it every year. if the pirates could be like 81-81 for a few seasons, people would have a reason to be excited. when you know 70 wins is a goal, you dont get excited.

when they were good in the early 90’s they had play off games with like 45k there…3 rivers held over 59 for baseball!!! pittsburgh is fair weather even with the steelers…3 rivers had plenty of empty seats in 98-00. look at pitt hoops…the bandwagon was in full effect this year. when the cubs fans can support the cubs and then havent made a series since 45 pittsburgh has no excuse just because we havent won anything 16 years. its easy to be a fan when ur team wins…a true fan is there no-matter what.

I used to watch a ton of Baseball games when I was a kid, went to the ball park A LOT to see Andy Van Slyke, Jay Bell, Don Slaught, Bob Walk, Doug Drabek, Barry Bonds, Bobby Bonilla, Jeff King & all the other Early 90’s players.

I have no motivation any more when the Ownership and management do not even care about winning as long as they are making bank.

Easy for you to sit there and bitch about how us “Bandwagon Fans” won’t support the organization when they are the ones signing your paychecks

Exactly! My thoughts were summed up perfectly by this post.


the management of the pirates make it pretty well known that they could care less about the fans and if the team is any good. As long as they are making money, they are happy.

the core the pirates have now is right on par with where the pirates you listed above were around 87-88. the home runs are less but in every other catagory they are right about even. this team is on its best pace since 99… that not saying a lot but its showing significant improvement from the last 5 years.

i would have loved to see the 25-40 yr olds live thorugh the the steelers in the 60’s…

i dont think there is a person on this board that wouldnt stick up for the company they work for when it was gonna effect their wallet.

interesting stat…in the championship round…pittsburgh teams (pens 1 and pirates 5) are undefeated in game 7* ( 1903 was a 9 game series and the pirates lost game 7)

Pittsburgh needs to rise up and support the Pirates. I don’t care about baseball or the Pirates, but we need to get them at least respectable, so as to keep up the city’s good name.

They sell out plenty of Fireworks/Concerts/Yankee’s nights… How about they work on getting better first then maybe they will win their fans back.

its a catch 22…

I still think we should just sell the pirates and buy a basketball team…
but just keep the pirate logo “P” so we have nice hats…

basketball sucks. much rather watch pirates than basketball. don’t think pittsburgh would support another fall/winter sports when you have penguins and steelers overlapping.