People that work for your competition are idiots...

you know when you work someplace and you have a competitor… lets say you work at Ford, everyone at GM are a bunch of retards… anyone else find this funny?

Well of course this would happen, its because everyone who has a job should feel they work for the best place, otherwise they would go work for someone else, which kinda of breeds the grass is greener on our side of the fences mentality. Obviously how would anyone who has only worked for GM know how Ford even operates a plant to base it on any real data. I know that I certainly fall into this trap with every job I have had, because you are really only exposed to the way your company implements product and strategy.

I do this same thing. Except I say it about anyone who isnt me.

everybody at shack is a retard anyway :wink:

^^yeah…i needed a cable one night and went there and the person working there sisnt kno what a RCA cable was…so yeah…

I sisnt kno what a RCA cable was either.

I work in education so all our competitors can’t be morons :frowning:


But it seems that everone at GM ARE retards, and I don’t even work for a competitor.