people with automatics, please help

what i really need, is the exact RPM on 40km/h on the exact vehicle, so i need Auto on D cuz b4 the swap it was auto on my car. please let me know and thanks


i read that like 5 times and still don’t understand

so what you’re asking it what RPM the motor revs at 40km/h?? it should be around 1500 maybe??

basically what my friend told me is that drive clean now requires the user to confirm the rpm’s relating to a certain speed. if it doesn’t match drive clean’s datalog, then you fail. my car was an auto converted to manual with an SR20. if i go and take the test, i will fail automatically, whether the emissions was good or not. they are trying to track down who’s doing illegitamate etests this way


:shock: Ooooh, that’s not good.

That’s bad for the swappers if that’s the case! :?

oh shit…then i guess i’m in the same boat for next year.

somebody help, though if i were to gues it would still be around 1500-1700 rpm

Well, it all depends on the gear ratios of KA vs. SR…I can’t remember if they’re the same, or how close they are if they’re not the same.

I wonder how accurate that would need to be because just changing your TIRES let alone your rims would alter what the engine speed would be at 40km/h…

well, there’s gotta be some room to move i guess. but i dont’ want to just guess the readings. noone’s got auto?


good luck with the e-test, I failed mine with my SR, and its clean as a whissle, with a cat…might wanna look for a bogus one

the rpm info is exactly what i need to get in order to get my friend to do a bogus one


Gotcha, how much are you payin for it?

100 buck for you guys

I got auto but I am at work right now . will try on my lunch . 40 km/h right ?

mine reads about 1600-1650

Will check and post in an hour for you at the library.


auto sucks ass by the way it is driving me nuts

Sorry man . when it’s cold . he takes me a good 10 min drive to find 4th gear . the car idle is also kidda high when cold . I will have to post a more accurate number on my way home 2night .

ooh nice, thanks guys!

mine is 1700 RPM . I went around the block 5 times and I now pretty sure . Hope that helps

cool, thanks! anyone else can confirm?


people still have legitimate e-tests?