People with long daily commutes (>45miles) step in.

I’m moving to Washington state in ~6 months and my place of employment is in a very small town, which I’d prefer not to live in, the problem is, the closest city is ~60 miles south.

I’ve found a very nice place about 10 miles north of said city and I’m planning on moving in, the only thing that sucks is, like I said, it’s a 60 mile drive every day.
The route is a straight shot on a 2 lane highway (55mph) so about an hour drive during the summer, a bit more during the winter…

The fuel cost doesn’t bother me, my DD gets about 50mpg highway so it’s only going to cost me about ~200 a month, the only thing that could get old is the drive every morning.
Anyone in here do a commute similar to this? Do you HATE it, or is it tolerable to live where you like and do the drive?
As far as traffic goes,there is not much, and there is only 1 small town i’d have to drive through.

Just would like your opinions.

If it’s not stop and go traffic its not bad…

I’ve been communting ~40mi, and I don’t mind it at all.

I’m actually considering moving further away, probably more like an hour 15 mins or so away…
the price for living in teh country, eh?

My current commute is maybe 45 mins, and I don’t mind it at all.
Only part I don’t like, is driving down Walden to get on the 90, lol.
Just hate the lights, traffic and shit.
Once I’m on the 90/219, I love it.
Sit in a nice warm car, comfy, good music, smooth ride… no switching between brake/gas, etc…

Granted I’ve only been doing it a little over a year now, (my previous commute was about 25-30 minutes, down transit… fucking hated it during teh daytime… after 8-9pm it was okay, but fuck)

So I say, if it’s all smooth sailing, no big deal.
If I had to do a commute down a road like Sheridan or NFB every day for 30-40mi, fuck that.

id say get a motorcylce but according to the twilight series it rains everday in that state

Hell its only 2 hours + a day you’re wasting, only like 10+ hours per week…

I have a normally 30 min drive which I don’t mind, but when it takes 45-60 min I want to punch babies.

every day… .stop and go… 30 miles one way… … us1 from jensen beach to vero… its miserable…

Im hoping it gets better when im driving something thats a bit more fun to drive… we’ll see

It’s def not that bad if it’s not stop and go. Get yourself a satellite radio.

I knew I’d get postive response from car guys. I love driving, and it’s a twisty highway thru upstate Washington, the only problem is, i guess in the winter people drive HELLA slow

I have a 40 minute drive…it’s not bad

FWIW it goes faster when you’re hammered.
Dick :stuck_out_tongue:

After driving from GI to dunkirk for a year, I am done.

I lose 10 hours a week, 40 a month just driving to work. Thats far too much of my life going unpaid for a pay scale I can get closer to home.

My free time is worth to much to waste it in a car, much less the fuel and miles that pile up too fast on my car.

It is not bad but def gets old in the winter. The summer is actually nice.

mine was only 35 miles, but it’s A LOT more enjoyable from about april-whenever winter starts there
it got old on days you were in a bad mood, every other time it was fine

I have the same length drive and feel the exact same way. I love being in my vehicles but I am completely sick of wasting so much time each week.

i know this… hence the flask under my seat for the morning drive and the screwdriver in the cup holder… and sometimes before heading 30 miles south to go home from work, i instead drive 20 miles north to go to hirams for happy hour(s) and then make the 50 mile commute south…


1 hr each way = 2 hours a day = 10 hours a week = 40 hours a month. That’s a full work week you’ll spend every month sitting behind the wheel. That sucks.

Now the converse to this… is how much more “life” you’ll experience living in a city and doing cool stuff vs, being in a tiny ass town w/ nothing to do and waste even MORE than 40 hours a month just sitting around…

True. I’d probably enjoy the drive for the most part. 2 hours a day to listen to audiobooks or music or whatever, then on the weekends it’s not an hour drive to do anything.

I’d try it. Rent a place for a year, see how it goes.

I live out in the sticks and I NEVER run out of things to do. For instance, I’m going out in 2 hours to collect maple sap. I’ll likely be in the sugar shack until close to midnight boiling it down.

Additionally, during the summer, I drive 52 miles one way to my job. I have a company vehicle so that helps, but it still sucks ass. I usually work 7-3. I have to get up at 530 and I don’t get home until after 4 depending on traffic. It wastes so much time. I’m about done with it.

:awdrifter: Me too.