To commute or not...

Ug - having an internal struggle right now.

Currently live in Mississauga…work in Burlington. Love it. 15 minutes to work on average and I can stop for a Tims on the way…against the traffic.

I’m a little bored in my current role but it’s for a great company…and I have a chance to move internally…or will have a chance soon cause I’ve told my boss I’m bored stupid.

I’ve recently been getting a lot of action from recruiters and am consistently getting job offers for work downtown TO and in Richmond Hill. The pay in considerably more money but there are huge trade offs.

No going home for lunch. Driving for hours in traffic and adding hours to my day. The added expence of hte communite and parking. The wear and tear on the S14.

Anybody else in my shoes? Any word of advice? What would you do?

i had the option of living for free in sauga and driving the cef into toronto everyday for school…no way i could deal with the traffic.

I opted to move here instead and the cef sits in my garage 8 months out of the year.

Moving is not an option. My g/f and I have a beautiful home that we will call home base for quite some time.

well, what about driving the car to Dundas and jumping on the subway? thats an option, you could avoid the traffic on the highway. But no matter how you slice it…My ex lived off mavis and drove in to Eglinton, by the gocart place everyday, it took her 20min in the morning and 50-1.5 hours to get home daily.

You could always buy my moped and drive it everyday :wink:

I think it all depends on how much more money you would be making and base mainly on that. Of course it also depends on the job as well, but I think money plays a key factor in a situation like yours.

i think you need to find someting else to occupy your time.

you’re getting up there, its pretty much babies and poo-poo time.

keep your job, find fulfillment elsewhere.

What do you do for a living?

I’d go where the moneys takes me. But I’m a materialist :lol:

Stay working where you are.

The commute sucks up your life, I actually want to work closer to home and I only work basically in Etobicoke.

Thanks for the feedback guys…

I’m sort of leaning towards staying where I am…

The only thing that is making me think is that I am still young (maybe not compared to some of you guys…but in life in general) and if there was ever a time when I could afford to spend more time and dedicate more time to a job it would be now.

Once I have kids and more commitments this decision will be easy but for now…I have nothing else to do but make money.

Am I just lazy?


but also remember change is good. sometimes taking a risk will be worth it. I do amit the drive would suck.
I work in the east side of brampton and my co workers come form every were. (one form barrie, one form shelburn, one form rockwood, one form guelf, and the one guy was coming form ajax untill he moved to nothyork. and the last guy finaly quit after 10years but was comming form the hammer.

now for the money we get payed i would not drive what thoughs guys are doing! but they dont mind it at all. I have a 25min drive and i am like you and would not wana drive in the city but still if I got a big offer that could take me above in my career i would very much considerit.

And if you don’t like it find sompthing closer again?

I hoped that helped

Thank’s for answering my question. :squint:

Oops - sorry…didn’t see yah there.

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Driving downtown sucks. Not only is parking at least 150/month but you will get into an accident sooner or later, its just a matter of time.

So subtract parking and extra gas/wear&tear from your new wage and I bet your current job looks even better.

yeah if u factor in the amoutn of money yhou would spend on your car and gas and such. Stay where u are.