People with long daily commutes (>45miles) step in.

Lol… that’s fine if you like that kind of stuff… I’m SURE I could find shit to do… but I’d rather find hot babes and hump them. You can’t do that w/ the sap.

what about living in the city and renting a room for cheap in the small town? stay there durring the week. or vice versa. i know alot of CO guys that do that. but there drive is more like 2-3 hours one way.

I believe he does have one.

Trust me, you will hate it after a while. I was driving 26 miles each way which would take me about an hour each way, mostly highway… It fucking sucked, plus I was spending way too much on gas

This is the exact reason I did not take a job @ Moog and chose to work 4 miles from home.

I put together a spreadsheet based on mileage, salary, benefits, fuel cost and TIME. I assigned an arbitrary value to the time I would spend not generating income or doing something I want to do.

It’s hard to put a price on your personal time, but when you only get to see kids that you actually like it really sucks seeing them for 1.5-2 hours a day instead of 3.

Come to Atlanta Tyler, I will show a 5 mile commute that can take an hour.

yeah, I kinda agree with Newman, I’m a bachelor, so um, no family.
The place I would be staiying in the city is right next to a college…
I drive a TDI so I get about 50 mpg, so only about 170 a month in fuel. the only thing that would suck is the slow drivers in the winter.