People With Money In the Market

Positive $167 so far today, I’ll take it. What you losing on right now? yesterday and today have really hurt UBS and today C isnt doing well either but DEIX is keeping me alive. Every few months it keep dropping abotu 20% and then coming right back.

mainly BWLD and MO. the others are all down 1-2%. I rallied a bit though, only down 227 now.

Meh big payoffs will be had over the next few months i hope. I predict the camaro’s motor will explode this season so i need to make enough to fund a bad ass build.

Good day! Bought 300 shares of Visa before earning release yesterday. I sold it at 80.65 and made $1,500 for today. I wish I can just make $1,500 everyday LOL. Good luck guys.

Nice call on the V. I was watching them daily for some time and never bit it :frowning: . My day ended meh at best.

I had to get out of the market when i got my apartment…

sadly, I sold my Visa at $67 last week. I would have had $450 more dollars if I didn’t sell until today.

Of course, it could have gone either way… and I could have lost. Guess I can’t be mad. I didn’t lose money :slight_smile:

Yea i don’t really like to dwell on it like that either. You aren’t always going to make the best decisions and if you have a gameplan that works then you can’t be mad if you miss on somehting. If i would have held BSC a few extra days earlier this year i would have made an extra $10,000 haha and i don’t let it get to me.(mostly because i still made out like a bandit.)

Check out BWLD today :tspry:

Holy shit Joe thats great. I don’t have a single stock making me money today. I kinda want to cry.

I might have to go there for some wings after work now…reinvestment of capital :lol:

hmm…to sell or to hold…

Sell then invest it in REIT’s and financials like me so we can be poor together after the economy continues to do worse. Atleast my parents have a really nice house they will probably let me move back into.

Well atleast i was already having a terrible day before I lost a shit ton of money. It would have been a shame to have to ruin a good day.

SIRI/MX merger extended today :frowning: I can’t wait for this deal to be over with. I’m tired of waiting and need to move my money elsewhere.

:(Yea yesterday I was in such a bad mood it was borderline comical how bad my stocks were doing just to add to the fire. So what are you doing with SIRI once the FCC approves it?(asuming they do) I am having a tough decision with if I want to hold it long term. I am thinking of selling about half of my shares and holding the rest to see what it does over the next year maybe.

this thread is fucking worthless you idiots should just throw your money in the trash


Hmm interesting input shureshot! lol

I’m getting slaughter by FSLR. I jumped in too soon. Only if i can be a little bit more patience.

Swing trade or scalp. SIRI / XM will probably happen after the Google MS one … The regulators still have not figured ot that the consumer market had a hardtime sustaining two operators and needs to consolidate before an international company comes over and cleans house.


how are you going to play the GOOG merger? I have stayed out of it so far. I have been trying to set things up to take advantage of a market recovery(assuming we are close).

Who ever is managing you $$ sux. I moved a bunch of stuff around in sept and oct. Most of my clients are flat to + YTD.