People With Money In the Market

Umm thread date much? My account is flat right now. The account I manage is up over 20% actually so…try reading the thread next time. Thanks


Want a cookie? Dec and Jan were pretty bad, but any tool can make $$ in an up market, its the down markets where advisers earn their $. Talk to me when you manage a few million not a couple hundred bucks. :lol:

Edit- Not going to quote you because I hope a mod will delete your useless post to be honest.

Why are you responding like this? You came in here and made a post that was not relevant at all and i clarified the situation. Now instead of accepting you made a mistake you try to personally attack me? Grow up man, you dont know me or what my bank accounts look like so wtf is your problem. You read a post from January and responded like it was from today, get over it. In response to the multiple accounts jab umm I don’t do nor plan to do this for a living. I simply manage one of my own accounts and pay someone to manage my long term account. I find it best for me and to be honest I enjoy managing one on my own.

what programs are you guys using to buy and sell stocks?

I use etrade and have not been satisfied with to be honest. Basically it was a newb mistake and i just haven’t switched. I hope someone can chime in with something better. i need to switch I have an issue with them almost weekly. :frowning:

There are a lot of them, each has its own positives and negatives. I don’t use any of them personally, but i do know that cheaper isn’t always better.

Your sarcasm was a little more than obvious. If you wanted to point out the fact that i failed to read the date of the post I quoted you certainly could have done so with out the sarcasm, but you didn’t. You chose to be a dick and start the pissing contest. So I responded by being an even bigger dick and proceeded to verbally soak you in urine. I don’t appreciate the attitude and its fine, but expect a similar response if you choose to get snippy with someone, particularly me, cuz I guess I’m just a dick.

1st off you are being a very little man at this point and should just accept the fact that you quoted a comment from January.
2nd I do not see how I started a pissing contest when it was you that came in with the "whoever is managing your $$ sux.
3rd You were also the one who then in turn takes it personal by trying to dish insults in reguard to the amount of money I have or manage.
4th if you really are sitting there and think you are not in the wrong in the way you are handling this you are rediculous.
5th I was simply defending who manages my money to your comment and then you took it to personal levels and are acting childish by instead of accepting you made an oops are trying to attack me and somehow make me out to be the bad guy…even though it was you who made the original post that made no sense.

Stop now. This thread has been a rarity, intellectual and relevant. Keep it that way.


I already stated that I missed the date on the origonal post I quoted.

Based on my belief that the post was current, my observation would have been very accurate. “thread date much?”… “try reading the post next time. Thanks” Rude and condescending = started pissing contest. Thanks.

Not insulting at all. Just pointing out the facts.

I am admittedly a dick. Said as much in my prior post.

I wasn’t attacking at all, merely pointing out that fact that anyone (professional) who knows their ass form a hole in the ground would have seen this coming in the 3rd quarter last year and should have addressed it pro actively. I wasn’t making you out to be a bad guy at all. I’m sure you are ggrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeaaattt. My post made perfect sense, see response to point #1.

I take pictures of myself naked sometimes and then look at them later. Just sayin

Park your ego and keep it to PM’s. :ham:

rj-92 gets a time out for bringing totally unprovoked drama to an otherwise adult conversation.

And now back to your regularly scheduled programming…

I thought about putting my recent car sale money into the market for a year and see what happens. After, I realized that I know absolutely shit about the market except some good tech stocks (VMWare, Intel towards the end of 2008).

Hmmm well I am no expert but i would deffinatley put it into something even if just a few mutuals. IMO we have either hit bottom or are pretty close to it and on a recover it should be easy pickens. As long as you are in it you should pick up some easy gains. I have placed a good amount into financials and communications for my recovery winners(I hope). Once i think I see things turn around i will push some of the financial money toward REIT’s and home building in general. I need to read some on tech stocks to be honest. $$$$$$$$$$

One word, Virtualization. VMWare (ESX server, V3i), Citrix (Xen Server) are two of the big ones. Microsoft has it’s own virtual server technology but they are 3rd best (close 3rd). VMWare has a 3 year lead on Citrix and the sky is the limit since that is where the market is going.

Intel is releasing their new line of CPU’s (code name Nehalem) in late '08 which is going to put a substantial lead on AMD, more than they ever have. They also have some other tricks up their sleeves to compete with Nvidia but that won’t come to fruition for a few years down the road.

Lefthand Networks, they are tight with VMWare in the iSCSI SAN market. It’s emerging technology but they have a good product that will be even better once the emergence of 10G ethernet is available.

Ummm I understood about 10 words you said. Bro see custon title, I don’t even know how to make pictures appear on computers. So you think there will be money to be made with the “technology” you speak of? haha jk. I have needed a good tech stock for quite some time. I avoid them since I don’t understand technology to be honest. So what do you pick for something to hold for 1-2 years?

VMWare is gold!! They are only getting bigger and they are a pioneer in an industry that is moving to their bread and butter.

PSSSHT thanks for telling me after they have a +5% day! I think i shall add one of these in the near future.