People With Money In the Market


Edit- I found the IPO date and info so the wave makes sense. Fuck, it is 7:40AM I need to go to sleep.

EMC bought VMWare back in the day and within the last year (mid '07) they put it up for sale. It went huge, then went down and now is back on the up and up. I am not in the know as far as the terminology so bear with me.

HAHA financial jokes…how lame. So you are saying I should buy now and not wait for it to come off peak eh?

Uhhh, I wasn’t trying to be funny, I just used the wrong term, bare/bear…Bear market? Hahahah… Woops. Just like the BMW M3 is a good investment.:ham: :wink:

HAHA No i was actually calling myself lame for changing it to bull and making it into a financial pun so to speak. I chuckled and then realized how lame it was lol.

Yeah, it’s too late. We’ll discuss this tomorrow. I gotta get into the market, I figure I will start with $1000.

Yep 8AM here looks like i should call it a night,er,day. OUT

Can you do me a favor? Cap some terrorist and then say, “Oooh, what a lovely Tea Party…”

20k in money market account at 3.75%. YAY for $40 a month in interest. I need to learn to invest. Viper mentioned to me about some first time house buying incentive account that locks up your loot for a year or so, but gets “great” interest. Anyone know of this shit?

Don’t go it alone!

I would shed some more light on the situation, but I can’t… I work at a Hedge Fund and I’d get a huge compliance manual thrown at my fucking head.

All I gotta say is : don’t travel internationally for the next year or so, cause your dolla’ is gonna get buttraped.

Wait for it … wait … bang dollar rebounds Fed starts racheting the rates back up an private equity gets out of the crowded commodity market. I bet you a bubble tea next time your are in town. Dec 2008 dollar makes a strong comeback 1:107+ USD/JPY 1:1.05+ USD/CND gold $800.00/oz.


DAMN! FSLR rebounced like crazy today :slight_smile: I was right yesterday to jumped in, but a little too soon and didn’t make much profit. I got in at $274 in the afternoon then it went down to $261. I didn’t have any money left to buy more at the time. Today it rallies back to $278.xx and closed at $276.xx . I’m gonna holdon to it for a week and see how it goes.
How did you guys do today? Have a nice weekend guys.

I just hit brake even YTD with my 401k after being as much as 10% down. about time.

What sites are you guys useing with your stocks?

What would you reccomend with someone just starting to invest for the first time?

I use . I really don’t know what to recommend for someone just get starting to invest. I think you should buy a book to read about it and what show like Mad Money. But don’t buy whatever he reccommends on the show. Just use it as a learning tool. He did most of the homework for you and learn from his tips on how to trade.

Hmm I didn;t even watch the market today I just came down to turn in some homework but my account went up almost $200 so I will take it. I have to start being more active again I was making a killing when i was moving money around more often.

My mutual funds and IRA are about in the same boat.

Well I am still a newb but I have learned a ton this year mostly by reading everything I can find. Also learning about trading itself is very important as far as impulse control and such. First I would make sure you have a solid understanding of economics and finances then risk and setup a good plan.

Just bought a book to get the basics.Thanks

Paper tradefor a couple of months first. Read some books about charting, IBD and the must for any trader Jesse Livermore’s book. This is the trading bible.