People With Money In the Market

How about google?

It’s coming out of a little slump as it is, and speculation that it might pick up where Microsoft left off with Yahoo is driving it up…

Everything I like the last month or two is in the tank so f you are looking at goog I will say avoid and then it will go up lol. I am staying out of it but mostly because I am tied in some other things right now and am not really shopping right now. BTW I almost bought yahoo ast week thank god i didn’t. I think the PCS earnings report tomorrow is going to be pretty good for communications though if you are looking for a quickie.

Fry if you are looking for set it and forget it stocks just buy anything that the economic crunch has beaten up on and hold it through a recovery. It might not be too flattering over the next few months but it will be easy earnings IMO.

Naw I invest all of my discretionary money in depreciating assets. Sure wind up with zero accrued value, but at least there’s no risk.


It interests me, but I don’t invest. :shrug:

I am leaving money in but won’t be moving money often over the next year or so. I made my pics as to what I want to hold and I am just going to let it ride. I will make minor moves if i see a better opportunity but meh. IMO mutuals will be cleaning house next year anyhow. Mark is doing a great job with my long term stuff BTW so I owe you a beer for that one.

Didnt yahoo go up from like $19 a share to like $28? It will go back down though

Sweet! I love beer.

Yeah my plan is for now I’m putting the max that my company matches into my 401k and paying down debt. Once my debt is less painful I’ll talk to Mark about setting up an IRA for my wife and I. Even with things the way they have been he’s kept my wife’s inheritance doing very well. :tup:

It already is going back down. Jerry Yang tried to call Microsoft’s bluff and they walked.

I think the paper said today Microsoft offered them like 29 a share but yang wanted like 32 a share.He is trying to prove its worth.He wont get it though

Yep my account is right at even right now which is a great place to be at this point in the “turnaround” I do not think that we are necessarily in recovery mode yet at all but I also think we have seen the worst of it. Remember the market is forward looking.

MS offered $33/share. Yang wanted $37/share. :jawdrop: They dropped
$4 bucks today down to $24.47.

I fail so hard right now. i was making great money when I was moving it around often and I knew setting it up like I have it right now would hurt until a recovery but man it is hurthing right now. PCS, UBS, and C are sucking today. i dont even want to talk about SIRI i will be happy to ever break even on that one. FAIL/

Sounds like you don’t like to book a loss. Stocks to hold during the summer months none. Cash will be king in August


I don’t mind booking a loss but only if either i don’t see making it back or have something else I want to invest in. In less then two weeks I will be stateside again where I will not have access to the internet during market hours so I am leaving money in things I expect to do well over the next 6-12 months is all.

FYI people:

Looks a turn in rates coming down the pipeline. Market looks like it will bottom end of August early Spetember.


Drew, you ditch SIRI yet?

god STI is pwning me today. :frowning: Fucking Friedman.

No I am only really on the comp for a few min before I go to work in the mornings and I haven’t really been making any moves at all. I have it set to where I want it and dont plan to move much over the next 9-12 months. I will say that I bought a bunch more if C the other day under $20 a share.

So the market is doing terrible and I am sure plenty of us have lost considerable amounts in the last few months. SO! how many of you are still sinking money in? I have some more free cash and I am having a heated mental debate right now if I should put in more or keep it in savings. So JOE you remember that flame suit? I think it might be time to start collecting the necessary supplies. I am still holding BIG in both SIRI and C lol. Hell even my golden PCS has shit the bed this week.:tantrum::2fingers::hang::cry::fail::violin:

i’ve lost between $3500 and $4000 over the last month or so on a portfolio that was only worth $18000 :frowning:
im holding long right now, but its gonna keep getting worse before it gets better.

JOE I hate to say it but that actually makes me feel much better. Im down $3,200 on “stocks” portfolio over 30 days on about 17k. SOMEHOW my mutuals and IRA have almost not moved. Anyhow I just sunk in 3k more lol. Man I crack myself up. Go buy some DRV while it stays cheap. I have made some great money on the twice this year. They just fell big over an investor not getting financing.