Performance Car Builder in Rochester

These guys are friends of mine. They build shit way out of the leauge for people here but I figure I would shamelessly plug them anyway incase anyone decided to build something nasty. I took the guys from hybrid there a while ago and it was dropped jaws all around. The only import I have seen was a 2jz in a toyota starlet. Short wheelbase murdermobile.

Their own drag car in in the high 6’s.

These guys build some crazy stuff too

:tup: neat stuff

That is a bold statement. you = chump.

My bad. You’re right. Wrinkle wall, wheelie bars and 600inch motors with 500hp shots of nitrous are right up peoples alley here. Fucking tard.

Yeah similar types of cars just different race series. I like the stuff they make over there too. Really good quality. Pro-car gets into more “different” stuff but they can do that when they build twice the cars that gforce is doing. They do some crazy street stuff too but thats money that most cant get into. The more shops the merry in my opinion.

ACTUALLY…there are people that would like that…

It was a nice place.

Up peoples financial and practical alley.

why the hate rob?

Procar does build some insane stuff. I’m having them do the rear on the 944. They also did the cage work in dmoffitts 350zTT.

How do u know…


you have no idea about most of the people here so dont be a dick and talk shit to people when you dont know :retard:

Rob…buddy…I know this sort of thing gets you really exited, but you’re calling the wrong guy a tard. :wink: I think you owe Dan an apology. He runs a semi tube chassis circle track car which he had a huge part in building and he really knows his stuff.

Since this is a message board and you don’t know the majority of the members I’d avoid making negative generalizations about the members like this.

Pro Car seems to do good chassis work as does GForce.

You < The people you know.

I know people that build space ships, does that make me kewl.

back on topic. Looks like the can make some nice cars.

I saw dans circle track car when I was at hybrid last and though it was a cool car for not much money and last I heard he was doing very well. I have no doubt the a chosen few can buck up for some serious stuff but they do stuff like 25k for a back half drag cars and 5000 for a set of loaded cylinder heads and 30k plus engines. So I get called a chump for throwing a disclamer so people dont call that shop looking for low budget stuff. Whats up with that? The last time I told some people about the shop they got inundated with calls to do small money shit which costs them time even dealing with people like that on the phone. Dan comment deserves a fucking tard from me. That doesnt have anything to do with his race car or his success with it. I wasnt trying to be a prick I was just simply stating the truth. I wasnt trying to get down on anybody about the purse strings. Just posting a link to show some cool shit that is going on around western ny. They charge more for customers taking up space in their shop than hybrid does for some of their performance work. I’ll agree I get hot when people say stupid shit to me like that but what else do you expect from me Mike.

I do not think the context that you write in, this post is not about you, it is not about me. It is about racecars and fab work. Why make it personal and proclaim that you know them. Does it make you better in some justification?

O here is my friend’s sight. Please don’t call them to build anything

Looking back at it I can see your point but I wasnt implying anything like that. I am sure they are small scale to somebody someone else knows here. I always lead in my conversations with “Hey I know these guys or of these guys that do some neat shit that might be worth your while to take a look at.” But then again I guess you guys are accustomed to morons chiming in from time to time so what do I expect. Who fucking cares. They make cool stuff. Maybe someone can get some ideas off of them. Seacrest out.

point made.

Heard of them and seen some work they did :tup:

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