Performance shop opening in Schodack.


Not sure what to think about this whole Redline thing.

I dont know why Fuccillo didnt move his Ford dealership to the Chevy building when he stopped selling Chevy’s. Its a much nicer looking building than the dumpy Ford dealership he has.

the chevy building is a huge DUMP! the floor in the shop is so gross, the water actually goes away from the drains because the dirt is so built up on the floor that nothing can flow into them anymore… the building is old as fuck, totally a shit hole

The land is completely polluted as well from years of oil, antifreeze etc being dumped and buried in the ground.

LOL thats crazy that howard just picked up and left, i guesss slowmarro wasnt crazy afterall when he called it out months and months ago

Guess he lost his deals and contracts with chevy and denoyer. Had 15+ cars waiting from the past year still and just didnt get to them.

good for him

not so much on that , some of it yes but morso just howard fucking another group of people so he can make money

My htr 750 camaro is still running amazing. You guys don’t even know good customer service.

Heard another good Flatline story tonight, lol…a friend’s friend has some Red-tard HTR Camaro or whatever, fucking throttle body FELL OFF going down the highway

Bro it’s just calibrated that way by the master calibrator. When you hit highway speeds the throttle body comes off to get rid of restriction. Fuckin’ calibrated that way, BRO! BRO-CALIBRATED.

Calibrotion. It’s Redline Calibroted. Baldwin Brotion. Etc.

In for a full telling of the Redline saga. Hell, if people (Dan Carlton, etc.) are willing o talk on the record, ill WRITE the story.