Perpetual Motion Machine

Ok, stumbled on this on another website. Eggheads, tear into this one. I am going to make a 3rd grade guess that it’s the magnets that actually provide the “power” for this. Newman, wrap this up quickly.

It seems pointless unless it is 101 percent efficient. To generate electricity would create resistance which would seem to stop it.(?)

Solar panel are way more efficient and there will always be sun. :wink:

I don’t know about “pointless”. Hoping there’s going to be a hockey season is pointless. We only have another 4.5 billion years +/- an hour or two, left on the sun clock. I’d be a little concerned. :slight_smile: I think if he even produced 100%, that’s impressive. I see your point about the electrical production. Wonder how many % above 100 it would have to be to overcome that load?

That thing’s just a big fancy pendulum. It’s slowing down, just very slowly.

---------- Post added at 09:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:30 PM ----------

Oh, and even if a machine was 100.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% efficient it would change the universe. Well, actually the universe would have to change first. :stuck_out_tongue:

---------- Post added at 09:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:31 PM ----------

The video looks like some sort of artist’s project, the way he goes to such great lengths to cultivate a mad-scientist look and claims that pendulum moving magnets that drives a ball in a circle is a perpetual motion machine? I’m surprised it’s not a corporate designed viral marketing video. That would be pretty cool.

---------- Post added at 09:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:35 PM ----------

But OK, here’s how that thing works:

The swinging pendulums are moving magnets. The pendulum driven magnets are synchronised to drive the ball the same way the sine waves of AC power drive the brushes of an electric motor.

Nothing magic, nor perpetual. Just some swinging pendulums doing a proportionally very small amount of work to keep a ball rolling. It’ll stop eventually.

As for those wiggling wires, the horseshoe magnets pull as hard as they push. No net change in energy.

Having a hard time buying it, but would not mind having one in my living room.

Fry fires the first shot !

[Fry’s stuff]

:word: Getting %100 isn’t that difficult with basic physics, going beyond that? So far, impossibuuuuuu!

Lol watch me have it wrong. The plane won’t take off!

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Maybe your full of shit…but it sounds good.

The sun is going to be gone in 4 billion years

Shit, I better get my stuff done sooner than later.

Very short sighted design.
He should have incorporated foucault pendulums.


Looks like a hyper efficient pendulum, which is surprising considering it’s not in a vacuum. I’m also surprised at it’s efficiency, considering all of it’s moving (friction) parts (albeit low speed).

I guess my questions would be where did he get / use the tooling to fabricate this contraption? Certainly didn’t mould it from clay.

For when you want to share it without going to the site.

I really don’t think it’s perpetual motion, but it’s a beautiful piece of art/engineering that I’d love to own.

Give it a week or two and you will see then made from plastic in the dollar store.