Was it really worth it?

this guy built an amazing contraption…that doesnt do anything.

haha my favorite part is “well thats all i got to say about it really…ill turn it some more” lmao this guys my hero

That guy rules. I want him to be my grandpa.

cool…until he has a heart attack from turning it

wow at least cook an egg or feed the dog. It just converts human energy into movement and nothing.

Reminds me of something my old man would try to build.

I’m listening techno, and i just watched that video with the volume off.
A bit involved too…



and leave the old man alone

cool thread chode

ya it is, gtfo if u dont have nething nice to say about the old mans invention

wow that takes some patience…dam

that dude is totally awesome. i don’t really wish he was related to me, but instead maybe a neighbor.

when asked if he was going to make another one right away, he simply replied “no.”

Wow. So First off. It’s a great exercise in mechanics. Kind of lost interest 30 seconds into the vid but he seems to have almost every type of mechanical concept in there.

Second. Aside from the “just because” reason i dont see a point. Wish he was my neighbor though lol

seems like the kinda dude that should make a good ol’ shine still

I’m listening techno

“Josh… thiiiiis issssss youuuurrrrr future”

Go stand on a chair and well…


Grube ^ Eljaiek - Government Warning.

technically it’s more of a house/progressive, not techno, but didn’t want to start drama fggt


  1. Proof that there is a Santa,obvious that contraption runs off of Christmas magic.

2.Its very worth it,making something that has been viewed 200,000 times is a great accomplishment.He invested very little money into that project and could probably sell it for thousands.

thats pretty cool, that guy is still sharp in his old age :tup: to him

fuck that shit…he’d be the weirdo with 342957394 complicated and very loud and annoying wind chimes all over his lawn…

i guess it’s cool…total waste of time/energy/effort/intelligence though IMO

and LOL at the ruler suspenders…


he clearly didn’t make that. he had some of his elves make it back at the shop in the North Pole.

dont feel bad im doin the exact same thing lol. I’m listening to Infected Mushroom.