Petition to bring back TDI_Logik

Let’s ban jvg’s bum ass!

Actually just get rid of the site it sucks anyways.

^lol will be next.

this banning stuff is getting a little rediculous

:rofl rep to jellies.

Someone give the ban stick to jvg?

so if you say this site sucks you get banned? wtf kinda shit, too bad i cant bring back alabama windchime for some classic plantation type justice

That’s not what got him banned. He made another thread which was quickly moved to the mod section or soft deleted which got him banned.

gotcha, it just seems like everyones getting banned for bs since nobody knows whats going on. I like kk’s idea of a thread stating what got each person banned.

While it’d quiet some people about questioning bans and what not, most bans are discussed among other mods and then action is taken from there. Although KK’s idea was good for regular members, for mods we didn’t want it really.

People keep getting banned for coming in here just to make fun of the site, disrespecting the staff that run it and disobeying the rules just to push buttons.

Aka: Trolling.

Nobody get’s banned “just because” or “out of the blue” every member that’s banned has been warned numerous times and were full well aware of what they were doing.

Correct question is: “Why do members keep getting themselves banned?”

People really want that MK4 guy back? He must be much better in person cause on here he seemed like the classic one upper know it all.

Looks like Vlad is droppin the ban hammer…

Maybe somepeople should look at it this way:

Who here HASNT been banned, and why? I will start.

KK raises hand: I haven’t been banned becasue I dont have a 10 foot e-dick, 600lb lift capacity e-muscles and dont feel the need to call out people over childish shit. I let my actions and results speak louder than my keyboard actions. I lead, not follow.

whos next???

I’ve been banned for saying ni66er… I think kk should be banned threads were much shorter without him writing novels in all of them…

and I can see you learned from your mistakes. :rofl

jim, just click the little downward facing triangle… every time you do its like a mini-kk ban… just skipping over my mumbo-jumbo.

Lettuce be cereal, KK’s previous post was the shortest one he’s made. Ever.