Petition to bring back TDI_Logik

I’m on my phone mike i just swipe and your gibberish vanishes


I can picture you…

“POOF, be gone!” every time you do it. LOL

I don’t think I was ever banned

you my friend, must be following the rules then. A little respect for others goes a long way doesnt it. :number1

eh I like to pick on the dumbasses every once in a while

yeah but you do it in a decent way. which apparently is working and acceptable.

Whoever changed the poll should be banned for personal attacks

Yeah I bet he prefers Pepsi products.

A few of his personalities are actually ok but some of his other ones kinda suck.

I thought Brett was pretty cool myself.

I would like to know why leo was banned again though.

Alpine is back in 2 days, along with Silver and Murdogg (still locked to Trashbin)

Skateshelter troll not so much.

Brett’s a good motherfucker

Lost :rofl

skateshelters like the nicest kid ive met on here… Petes a good kid and has always helped me out and shit… Murrdog is just busting balls. Vlad is a mad straight forward kid, dunno how you fucks cant get along. should just call it ssssssserious518 now.

Fuck off loser :rofl

Nobody cares dude, go turbo some old junker

o they do.

shut your mouth whore.

Please allow my friend Murrdog back on this site. He was an obvious troll, however, he provided entertainment and is a good fellow.

Banning people like him isn’t worth it. You gotta let that kind of stuff go…