Petition to bring back TDI_Logik

Talk some sense into him and stop looking at me.

I’ve said the rules will be enforced to him many times and warned him, he didn’t listen.

Barking up the wrong tree. He’s going to be unbanned in a day or so and still locked to Trashbin. He knows how to get out of it. He did the opposite.


I am one of the few that doesn’t bash you and harp on your rules, believe me I’m not “barking up the wrong tree”. You’re the one in charge of it, I was making a simple suggestion.

It is what it is. I’m still going to visit the site daily no matter what. I’m also going to stick to the rules like I always have, but you already know that.

Again, it’s your decision. I never said your actions weren’t justified, and I know that your buttons were being pushed (purposely). I was just simply suggesting to let it go. A lot of the guys were core members acting like troll as they disagree with the way you do things. Why? I don’t know. I never saw much of an issue with what you were doing. It’s obvious that you were pushed over your limit.

Let it go… it’s doing no good for the community, I know that’s all you wanted to do is fix it – but you can’t.

I’ve been quite headache free for the last week in a half, which is unusual in recent months. Seems I’ve solved my problem by realizing I can’t fix stupid and turn them around.

Why would I let them back just to heckle, hassle and cause me a headache especially when they do it to get their kicks off?

I know you’re a fine member and that’s always appreciated. (besides a sig being Fuccillo sized :tongue)

ROFL. I’ll fix it. I was just trying to capture the true beauty and size of Drew’s monster catfish.

that was like 8 sets of wheels ago when those pic’s were taken.

Drew blows guys that resemble nolan.


im gonna throw sand in your turbo’s.

murrdogg is a class ring wearing homo and I don’t miss him

and all of the mods are lesbians including bennyfizzle


since when is benny a mod?

hey i legitimately did not know until now that benny was a mod. i’ve never seen him do any mod-ish (read: communist) things before. i always thought he was fucking around when he said LOCK 1 or whatever.

im a lesbian??? since when?


why do you spell out your puns ?

Why does he do half of the shit he does?

I’ll say it again, REDWGN is gif master.