Petition to change Dos's title to "i try to be snky and its really annoying"

you have no say in this dos…

shut up :wink:

dos dude, why the h8. why not <3

i <3 nyspeed. i missed it.


Second verse a little bit louder, a little bit worse…

“I am gay at cars… o so gay. I need other people’s opinion and start polls because I am so insecurely gay with cars. I have a flaming yellow paint job to get goobs of attention now I think I’m cool and flashy and everyone will like ///Me… but I am gay at cars!.. GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY… CARS ARE GAY TO ME!”


oooooooooooo sssssssssooooooooooo gaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy

:suckoff: :suckoff: :gay2: :mamoru: :hay: :gay2: :gay3: :gay: :touchy:

oh shut up you whore… :kiss:

Yah, but most of his posts are 1 word or a :tup:. He rarely adds any value to a post. He just stares at his post count all day. It makes up for his other short comings.

oooooooooo burned!

petition to move this thread to GA, so i can use it to increase my post count.

and holy fuck. is that skunk in butch’s avatar?

yes because i give a shit?? should know that the post in off topic don’t count towards ur post count… i’m surprised you didn’t think of that…you should be wise and full of knowledge at your old age


yes I made that in the other thread about skunks new phone…You need to make the flash that I proposed in that thread…get on that.

sorry Skunk:ohnoes:

-1 for you. Never say sorry to Skunk! lol

blow it out ur ass ralph


back on topic.

it looks like dos’s title should be

“im gay at cars”


yeah…but what if I was being sarcastic? :wink:

Ok +1 for being sarcastic to Skunk.

On topic:

1 vote for “i’m gay at cars”

i vote "Both these titles suck and we should think of a better one.

how did you not laugh at ‘im gay at cars’ :bloated:

yea i think its fine the way it is now…

“my balls are stuck in the turbo, so i can’t tune it”