cough exit 53… cough 40 million dollar project… cough …
cough complete repaving of 290 cough … often miles done overnight… qucker then they can pave the 100 yards on main street buffalo near south campus . cough
cough complete repaving and work on the 33 cough
I agree the tolls at the city lines are assinine…
The toll hasn’t been raised in 13 years… not the 20 that beckington stated… the raise is also well below the rate of inflation…
Dont get me wrong tho… I see everyday 300 ways the thruway could be saving ass loads of money… there are a bunch of idiots working in headquarters.
If you wanna really get pissed off at the state… guess what… the revenue from the Lotto money was supposed to go to any kid with a B+ average or better in high school and pay completely for their college at a SUNY school… guess where that money went… some of it is used for politicians ad campaigns… I can tell you that much… :tup: … I suggest you all get out of this fucking state… unless you live in NYC… you aint getting shit, because they dont give a fuck about upstate. How fucked up is it that upstate… IS THE WHOLE FUCKING STATE… kinda says it all right there…
In summer… For an 8 hour shift… I am in the booth a total of 6 hours max… I average between 2-3 thousand dollars in that time… In some lanes if you are in the booth more then 1.5 hours… you seriously have no where to put all the money… have you ever seen 1200 dollars in ones?! … or howabout 190 dollars in quarters…I collect like a mad man… I do anywhere between 250-350 cars an hour.