Philly police beatdown?

Is there no thread about this yet?

Doesn’t suprise me. You could take alot from this video. It does not fully depict what happened on the ground though.

lol… I dont think 4 cops kicking a guy on the ground is considered “standard procedure”?

Either way I love police brutality

Sure, why isn’t it.

depends what the guy on the ground is doing…

why can’t we all just get along?

Good point, maybe he was holding a soccer ball?



For the record, Im not sticking up for the 3 sacks of shit that got beat down. I just think it was kinda funny there were 4 cops kicking a guy in the mouth. Don’t they realize this shit always gets caught on tape?

After a cop was murdered on saturday in philly.
Did a little searching. Philly cops are mudered once a year or every other year since 187x. Maybe it’s a yearly ritual beatdown for it’s citizens :rofl:

3/4 down the page shows the slain officers

No one pulls the race card yet… im impressed

Al Sharpton was busy in jail already, couldnt make it

:rofl: He’ll be all up in this shit soon enough.

He needs to DIAF… that dude is worthless and basically the scum of the earth.

I agree 100%. I watched all the news stories about this…those fuckers were involved in a triple shooting, then a police chase…they deserved whatever they got, and more.

Looks like the mayer is condemning the officers and they are under investigation. Can’t wait to see how this turns out.

An officers job in this situation is to apprehend the suspect(s) and stop the individual(s) from possibly striking again…kicking, beating someone while they are down is not included. Cops are anxious to get some “action” I don’t care what color whoever was…that shits just wrong. FTP