Photo advice/PhotoShop tips

Well I Got a D40 a few weeks back and just started taking some random pictures.

Heres one.
Give me some tips on Photo taking.
There was no Photoshoping done to this picture.

Join Buffalo F/Stop is my advice or just HDR everything.


edit: you can google it now and it comes up lol

ugh… looks like i have some more work to do with it too lol

Heh. Cute bichon. The picture could use some vignette and desaturation.

(I’m going to keep using that joke until I learn a third photo editing technique.)

off topic: change your dogs food. my gf’s mom has a shitzu and it always had that stain around its eyes and mouth and they gave it science diet and it all went away.

they have stuff you can put in their food … its called angel eyes

I donno i think its natural cuz the newborn puppies have it now just after 4 weeks old.

white balance?

faster glass?

Use flash for everything…even if there is too much light.

focus better?

the dog is obviously the focal point, but there is nothing sharp about the image… light it up.

new dog?