Photo Safari

Hi looking to round up some shutter bugs here on the board for a Photo Safari. I am open to ideas of locations and events, for the first ne I am trying to put together is going to be for the Chinese Lantern Festival in Toronto. I have gone many years and have grabbed some great shots over the past years.

Please post if anyone has any intrest in going I would like to plan this for the end of August or and of September becouse even if we lose out on the Lantern Festival the Goth and Punk rockers of Kensington is a great section to shoot scince the shut down a few city blocks for stree performances and let the crazies out for the day. And later hunt down some cars for shoots as well.

OK here is the date for the Safari Shoot in Canada. It will take place at August 1st (THIS SATURDAY). There will be alot going on so I would like to get an early start at 8 am. If there are and S. town groups we will meet up at the BK on Grand Island and leave to the Rainbow Bridge from there. I have a agenda already figured out but I will reveal it once everyone is there and depending on conditions we can change it at anytime.

Please car pool I am not looking for this huge train of cars . I would like for all of us to ride and stick together as much as possible and help out each other with gas and stuff. I know some are thinking well I want great shots of my car and stuff but I dont want to be hunting down parking spaces all through downtown.

I am open for any suggestions and make sure you are ready to do some walking and bring plenty of supplies.

Please post if you are coming and with whom.