
For those of you who don’t know, Dom (8grand) and I became engaged in November. We’re planning a long engagement, so things are in no hurry. Therefore, we still don’t have an engagement announcement. My parents would like to put one in the paper, but I have no decent pictures of Dom and I. Does anyone have a suggestion for a photographer? Pro or not, as long as they can take nice pictures.

Dom run

:embarassd :embarassd :embarassd :embarassd :embarassd :embarassd :embarassd :embarassd :embarassd :embarassd :embarassd :embarassd :embarassd :embarassd :embarassd :embarassd :embarassd :embarassd

Awesome photographer

If anyone should run, it would be me :finger:

hybusa on here

That was my original thought, then Dom pointed out that he moved to Florida.

Thats who we are going with for the wedding…

he comes home a lot…actually in a few weeks…PM him he is also on aim

I’ll be up next week if you want to do them then. I also shoot weddings. Just let me know. Thanks for referring me. Oh yeah I’m not out to make a killing but I still do quality work.

Beautiful pics, but a bit pricey just for an engagement picture. And if I have my way, we’ll be getting married on the beach, just us, not a billion family members to worry about.

Thanks, will do.