Photoshopping Section?

I am a user at the forum from, and they have a neat little section called photochops, where there are challenges on who can photoshop a pic of a car the best. It would be fun to put one on here maybee. The link to it is if you want to take a look through it. I like it because there isn’t much flaming at all (although your mods keep a pretty good handle on that in here), and its amazing what some of those guys can do with a picture. Just an Idea, to better an already awsome forum!

well im a owner of a 1981 monte carlo and a 1989 240sx and both have been photochoped on street fire, wanna see? here you go

my 89 nissan 240sx. b4 photochop :wink:

after photochop lol

1981 monte carlo prior to photochop

after photochop, i think it looks so hot after :wink:

Yeah I’ve done some on streetfire, I post as bellofello there too, I did a bmw 530i, caddy sts, a silverado ss, one 240, audi rs4, and some litle ones here and there for friends, I wonder if a section like that would do well on here

I think a thread on this would be sufficient.

Doubt we need an entire section dedicated to PS.


lets get more photoshops on the go :stuck_out_tongue:

can someone photochop my wheels black?

just the centers

Start a thread in Media section

If I still had photoshop, my parents laptop (the only computer worth having any program on in my house) was in the basement of my cottage and there was a big water leak right above it… so yeah no more chopping for me :evil: but if you want a decent chop you need an almost wallpaper sized pic or its a major headache trying to get lines right.