PHY102 hw help!?


Thanks anyways though. Yea, I figured it had to do something with volume, since they gave the mass. If you have the book, they listed the density in there, on page 274 if i remember correctly.

I did something completely different, and way more difficult than what you listed lol. I didn’t know the length x CS area = volume.

yea neither did i the first 39 minutes i sat there lol, through my powers of deduction lol

For all you zengers…

i never did any of my HW, never went to class, and got an A…

So in my experience HW is meaningless, in fact you can just enter random shit and still get credit for it lol. This is assuming you dont actually care to learn physics…

yea i got an A last semester too without doing homework, i jsut read the book but to bad homework is worht 10% of our grade now

who was your ta?


Last semester I hardly did any work and still got about double of the average :lol:

ya i was the asshole who fuxored up the curve :stuck_out_tongue:

pratibha dev

people jsut really suck at deriving formulas and using algebra, and i made use of my 8X11 formula sheet, We dont play around that thing was filled

bahaha i typed out all the notes in 6pt font on one side, and ALL the practice problems on the other side. I fucking pwned tests…

but i gotta admit i didnt read any of the stuff for the final, like 4 new chapters, and a review of the previous 11…until the day before the exam, cuz i just didnt go to recitation for 3 weeks cuz i had already had 10’s on all my quizes, i put together a mediocre sheet and still manged a 63 and the average was like a 40 something


i forgot to mention that…

Alright, I’m stuck on this one. I think I know how to do it, but the computer doesn’t think so…

b) If the total power supplied to the circuit is 8.00 W, find the emf of the battery.
The total resistance is 7.99.

Edit: Nevermind got it