physics 158 question

Does anybody that already took this…pointless…class… know how to do the 4th question on the 4th lab (projectile motion).

It’s some deriving an equation stuff, and I’ve sat here for 2 hours attempting to get the answer and it’s not working out.

:slight_smile: Thanks

i remeber doing this, but cant remember exactly what your talkinig about.

what’s the equation they give you?

bha i already handed that stupid thing in.

it was like…h/suck = square root of half of all the gravity (intracept scared +1) / slop )

mad stank.

sounds right haha.

are you in 108 as well? your gonna hate that class if you are. Probably the most unnecessarily difficult homework assignments of any class i’ve ever taken.

which reminds me, I happen to have all the solutions if you want them :snky:

pm me.

um yea i took it, prolly have some labs too, at the very least I might be able to help with further shit.

haha sweet. these labs are totally junk.