Physics Question: Will the plane take off? (27 page debate on elisetalk)

You would need to revisit the second law, every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Conver move one wheels spin other way, thrust is created on way, a resultant force is seen the other way. Ps, bernouli’s principal does not create enough lift to make a plane fly, it is a resulatant of the wind striking the underside of the wing, if the angle of attack on the wing of a piper cub would be zero it would take a relative speed of 250mph for it to take of. It will take off, engineering principles say so.

Read the articile Damn second law, leave Mr. Bernoulli alone

we actually discussed this last night in my HVAC since my teacher also teaches fluid mechanics and thermo fluids lab

But the plane isn’t moving at 250mph. It’s stationary thanks to the conveyor belt.

the plane would not take off if it made of stone.

it wouldn’t no matter what. You can’t take off if you aren’t moving.

The conveyor belt doesnt mean shit, because the wheels don’t mean shit when it comes to the plane taking off. The only difference is the wheels are going to spin twice as fast when the plan takes off.

no, it still moves forward. think about pass mcass’s rollerskate-treadmill-push analogy.

His analogy is faulty. Treadmill isn’t matching your speed like the conveyor belt would.

i think itll still take off without a problem, but it might take a bit more thrust as a result of moving at a slightly slower speed due to bearing friction in the landing gear.

The conveyor belt is an irrelavent part of the equation.
It is mentioned just to confuse you.

The jet engines are pushing the mass of the plane forward.
The jet engines don’t give a rat’s ass about the wheels or what they are doing.

Tell us how the wheels have anything to do with the plane moving forward, conveyor belt or not.

thats the thing it will move, if there is thrust acting on the air behind the plane, the is a resultant force pushing the place foward. The treamill has nothing to do with it. the tradmill is basically there to give a normal force so the plane would not fall. put a skatebord on a treadmill, now hold it in place, no movement, now put a force against the top of the bored, the bored its self will move foward, same concept.


Hmmm… the plane is moved by pushing air. The wheels just spin double speed. The air is what pushes the plane… not the wheels. I think I see what you are getting at now. :wink:

EDIT 66impala… you beat me to what I was saying. :slight_smile:

haha. i don’t see how some people can’t get it.


It will not take off.

I didn’t read the whole thing because I am sure its filled with…whatever…but the plane won’t have any air moving over its wings to help provide lift. The engines simply provide thrust which moves the air over the wings fast enough to facilitate lift. Since the plane isn’t moving through the air, no lift.

This is why I could never be a professor, or at least a decent one.

Frustration > Me

27 pages?!?
That doesn’t say much for Elise owners.:biglaugh:

^^ BooYah

u elise drivers think ur so brilliant with ur physics. u guys dont have threads about dumbass audi drivers