Pic of Waterfall I built


Note: It is 9 feet wide and 47 feet long. the rock is alittle messed up around the end because musk rats have been burrowing under the base and calapsing it. I still have to finish rebuildng it, but have to wait for the water level to drop alittle more. it is about 5 years old, so the plants are really starting to glow now. I think its purdy.

wow, that look nice.

pretty nice man, I’ve always planned to do something like that or a rock garden at least when I have a backyard large enough :tup:

Very cool man. Nice job.

musk-RATS :shoot:

:tup: looks pretty neat

Wow. Gorgeous.


make me one for my back yard

is there enough room behind your trailer?

looks like something out of a magazine. very nice. :tup:

You know, you could make a mint doing that stuff out here in the burbs. My neighbors just had one installed that wasn’t a 1/4 that size and I know it cost them mega bucks.


:word: X 2

You should really get into that shit. You seem like you do a damn good job. Looks professional.

very nice

me and the father in-law are 3/4 done building a medium sized KOI style pond for someone. It has a pretty good sized waterfall (4ft ish tall) I think the bill was around $5k. it wouldve been done in a weekend if it wasnt for that monsoon that hit last weekend.

your dad built it u liar, i helped too, but i dont say i built it.

:tup: to your fathers work. :tspry:


i was waiting for either of the Toepher bro’s to chime in.

i knew there was no way jeg, did that all by himself. i was waiting for him to make a statement such as:

“and it only took me 36 minutes. the reason it took me so long was i had to chisel each individual rock…out of one single 6.5 ton peice”

haha owned.

However I must say, it’s a gorgeous piece of landscaping.

very nice

Lol…I didint say only i built it. I did ALOT of the work though because my dad’s back is bad. basicly he tells me where to put stuff and I do the work. My dad has been a pro landscaper for years. You should see this house guys, the landscaing around it is absolutly amazing. It took like all summer to build this thing, it was a decent size project.