Picked up a new ride

went last night and picked her up. Damn clean car. Very happy with it so far. Sorry for the dark pics, but by the time I got it home from cruising a little bit, it was getting dark. Dont mind the dirt. She’s getting a good detail tonight, and hopefully I can slap my rims on there also.

Details: 2000 Mercedes-Benz E55 AMG (E430 4Matic), 8 cyl, every possible option, etc etc.

well, heres some pics.


congrats… the new benz’s are growing on me

It’s too dark. Tell your car to smile so I can find it

LOVE that generation - they sound sexy as hell at full tilt. Nice addition!

what year did they start supercharging them? '03?

nice pick up.

thanks guys

LAF- ya i think it was either 03 or 04. Already been looking at the charger prices for the car. possibly towards the end of the season but Gotta do a few other minor mods first.


show the palms!

nice man.

that’s not an AMG

My aunt had the same car… You better hope that you dont have any mechanical or eletrical issues…$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to fix

so is it a 430 4matic or a 55?
One has a 5.5 liter engine the other has a 4.3 liter

My guess since they didn’t make a E55 AMG 4matic, it is a 4.3 liter

:tup: Nice shoice


thanks guys! After looking around, and reading a bit I realise its not an AMG. Previous owner mentioned AMG so I just took his word for it. :stupidme: Think he just meant the rims.

oh well, that wouldnt have changed my mind on the purchase regardless.

On the positive side, I was told by some MB owners that the E430 with all the option this one has is quite a rare find. :slight_smile:

Thansk again guys. Hopefully I’ll have some pics later with the rims and a detail.

Good deal. Moar pics!

what did you pay? should be right $8k with something like 100k miles. please tell me you didn’t look up the AMG prices and spend like $12k+

Nice luxo-cruiser, more daytime pics please.

no, i looked up the E430 AWD option on kbb when i priced it. and he was asking a bit more than i paid, but i got him down to a few bucks below bluebook