pics from my short roadtrip, lots of pics

i went on this road trip at the begining of the month, im just now gettin to postin the pics after goin thru them all. i took about 400 pictures.

ok, for my senior project, i had to get some case studies so i figured i would go on a little road trip and visit some places. wihtout goin into huge detail of what my project is, i’ll just say for my case studies i went to 4 campgrounds i used to stay at. the trip started from my house(murrysvilleish area) and went to cooks forest, then to knox pa. i wanted to head to bedford next but due to my car hating me, i left like 3 hours late and by the time i got to bedford it was dark…no good. so me and the gf went to the hotel we got in chambersburg and crashed for the nite. then we went to gettysburgh, then back to bedford, then all the way back to home. a lot of the trip was on route 30 which is an absolutely great road to drive on for the scenery, and also for the turns everywhere. but onto some of the pics i took.

ok, just starting out on the trip, these were on the way to cooks forest

these next two were taken at cooks forest campground, just a couple pics of the car. its funny, you can see the car getting progressively dirtier and dirtier as the trip goes on

then on to the next campground, this one was in Knox pa

en route to bedford(well chambersburg actually) not quite rt 30 yet

came across this neat place. actually we were probably running so late cuz i kept seein things to stop and look at lol
this was a canoe rental place, just nice scenery so i had to take some pics

ok, on the road again, i think this was rt 30 now…oh and my gf took this pic, just luck it came out like this and i love it, i didnt edit this one

another over look we came across

ok didnt really stop and take too many pics at gettysburgh, but this is from on the way back. this was a fun drive for sure
teh navigator
she hates pics taken of her

so finally made it to bedford, only to find that the car has been injured doh!

at the campground

then another overlook off route 30, for you pa guys you may know ths place. its where the old ship hotel used to be before it burned down. you can see 3 states and seven counties from this spot
the foundation of where it used to be

the road…so much fun

so all in all the trip was a blast. about 660 miles round trip, we did the trip in two days just cuz i needed the sleep lol. unfortunately after the trip i had to drive back to school in morgantown, only to get there and realize i forgot something so i had to drive back home, then back to morgantown again…so add another 150 miles onto the trip.

damages to the car: the paint on the lip, a new chip in the windshield, and the car was just a tad too low for cooks forest…i dragged the exhuast and now it needs repaired. hope i didnt bore you guys too much

sweet pics

Nice car and pics!

Very nice. I traveled that stretch on 30 often in the big rig for us xpress.
definitly reduce gear, seen bunches of trucks smoke thier brakes all the way down.


those are really nice pics, reminds me of when I used to stay w/ my Aunt and Uncle in the Mountains in Uniontown…Its so different waking up and breathing fresh country air. LOVE it!! And yes…those turns are sooooooo much fun!!

:rofl: fresh air :rofl:

must of been that rare fluke. I always smell tires burning

sweet pics

I love it when women wear seatbelts like that :slight_smile:

The only time it ever smelled anything bad up there was when the kkk guy down the street was on a roll burning everything in sight…[no pun intended.]


actually saw someone do that that day

Nice pics…I just did rte 30 to Breezewood & back on my bike a few weeks ago. Always a nice ride.

did they finally install the wind mills ?
haven’t been on the stretch in a while

actually a week after this me and my dad did the same thing on our bikes, not as far as the ship hotel remains but we went up to wallets and ate, then turned around and came back

i saw a show on the public broadcast station about the ship hotel, I didnt know it burnt down. too bad that thing had some history.

cool trip

it is always a nice ride out either rt 30 or 31.done both of those roads several times. the scenery is awesome. nice pics BTW

the camp ground in knox pa was that wolfs den-koa?

indeed it was, unfortunately i have to use that for a bad example for my project…a lot has changed up there since i used to camp there

apparently its under new management and its now wolf’s camp resort, and i dont belive its a koa anymore. the big craft building had the koa painted over but you could still see where it was

man we used to go there every summer when i was little

wait your car made it the whole tip without something major braking?

j/k. Cool pics. Cooks forest is def in the middle of no where. THe GPS we had(newer Magellen) had no clue where any of the stuff was up there when we went.