[PICS] I stopped and said hi to BEAVERUN today!

You know both you guys could have came right out and called me a parking lot whore, I won’t have cared :embarassd

First off don’t start comparing beaverun to drag tracks, thats amateur. Racing is racing, most people can understand the difference. That said, seriously bring your Evo out. For autox locally we have like 2-3 Evo’s that show up pretty much all the time, they would all be willing to help you out. Lapping days is a step up in speed and danger, but still loads of fun. Beaver holds events for both amateurs and professionals, best advice I could give would be to just look at their calender. I would recommend watching a SCCA club racing at beaver, you’ll see some fast drivers and cars show up from all over the place.

Honestly if you wanna get your feet wet without damaging metal, go here first and goto one of the days (Jinxxycat just go, or I’ll make Chris force you haha).

Also long as I’m promoting, we are gonna hold another time trail on the Wilson Kart Circuit at beaverun on September 2nd! I’ll post more details soon.