Flat-Out "Monday" (9/12) @ BeaveRun

Yep that’s right folks! Another “flat-out” day at BeaveRun! It’s only supposed to be on Friday’s, but we are having one on Monday because there was nothing scheduled on the North Track for Monday.

Hope to see some of you there! I know everyone works but would be nice to see some PITTspeed cars again!

Monday, September 12th
North Track, event goes till 5pm (just like last flat-out)

Won’t be able to take off so soon, but I am signed up already for flat out sunday 10/2! :beer:

Ditto. No can do for Monday. My turbos can only take so much abuse. I could turn down the boost but what fun would that be? :smiley: However, I’m already signed up for 10/2.

I am thinking about going the flat out sunday.

Sign up soon, apparently the flat outs on the weekends fill up quickly…

I will be their tomorrow (friday)night for a formal dinner. It is a find raiser type of event. Yee haw…get to talk to some of the owners, my dad is still considering puchasing a partnership in the track. Tom Wedich (sp) (one of the owners) is my dads corporate attorney and is always talking him into buying part of it. Maybe tomorrow will be the night :wink:

the tC MIGHT BE participating in Flat Out “Sunday” 10/2!
Im going to see if i can pull a few strings so i can run with you guys!
Hey ZEX, I get off work tomorrow at 5pm, what time does that dinner thing start? I’ll wait up to see if i can run into you.

7pm…run into me where…will you be at the dinner as well?

What time does it start?

Doo it! :slight_smile:

What are you thinkin? Flat out Sunday? …better get that boost guage workin soon and help me swap out my axle. Payment in the form of margaritasl! wooo

My inlaws will be there. I sent a donation…

i might be. im going to talk to Diane tomorrow and see if i will be able to :cool:

Earl Siler’s wife told my mother in law today that the sunday was pretty packed already :smiley:

i’m not worrying about it. i talked to scott today (guy who works there too w/ the red mustang gt) and he said there shouldnt be a problem with me runnin on the 2nd. HAHA…looks like im running

Flat out monday, sunday, friday’s all start at around 8:30 am, registration, and then drivers meeting at 9am. Runs go all day till like 5pm depending upon what group you are in.

In-car around beaverun (me) in case you haven’t seen the course before. My line is shitty through turn 7 because I turned in too early, so don’t do that!

10mb video 640x480 30fps

I apologise if there are glitches from the compression, windows movie maker doesn’t do all that great i guess.

there is however a lunch break. SOMETIMES they go till 530 depending if we black flagged the course for some reason. or sometimes we just completely lose track of time watching cars go around the track, you get easily lost in time watching cars lol.

jinxxy and eric…im running officially, see you two losers there :moon:
hah im just kidding :burnout:

how much is 10/2 flat out sunday??