Flat Out Monday @ the Beav

This coming Monday, Sept 3rd.

I didn’t recognize the names on the registration list, anyone going to be there?

Not this time, holiday family stuff. I’m hoping to hit the flat out sat in Oct tho. :slight_smile:

I want to do one of the flat out days. I tried to sign up a couple Fridays ago but it was already sold out. Out of town yesterday. Oh, well. Next year…

That was the last flat out day of the season for group 1/2 drivers. It was super fun, I had a great time. I didn’t get any pics though…I went up by myself, didn’t know anyone.

Best lap time 1:23 for the 1.7 mile North Course. Not too bad for the little honda.

I will be there on Saturday, 10/13. Let’s hope the weather holds up.