3/19 BeaveRun Flat Out Day.

First open lapping day of the year.

i’ll probably be there w/ the M3…it’ll be taking my virginity from the car.

E36 M3 for a track car… I’m jealous! I’ve been lucky to ride in one at both BeaveRun and Nelsons.

i rode in another guys at beaverun as well…tom wedicks partners son. I rode in a rx8 which fuckng sucked…you going for sure? I might be able to get you a discount. I’m sure that S4 isn’t far off from being a lot of fun as well.

I’ll be there to shake off the cobwebs and to test out my off-season mods. I haven’t decided if I will instruct for the event. I hope to see some of you guys out there.

my buddy went to nelsons last year on the M3 day. he was the fastests car there in his stang besides one guy in a M3 with full slicks. that car went off the road for a lil trip though.

i bet he will be there in his flat black stang if he has it ready by then.

Yep, I’ll be there for sure along with two other people. Let’s hope for some decent weather.

The S4 is actually a lot of fun. However, I need to keep an eye on the turbos since BR has helped kill turbos on roughly six S4’s. The first time I ran there was back in 2004 (Audi Quattro event). My instructor that weekend has a turbo go south the day before the event started. Last year one of my turbos started acting up a week after an open lapping day. They were replaced a month later. From now on I make sure to turn down the boost.

Hi Keith, I’d like to pick your brain. What does it take to be “permanently” signed off to run solo? My buddies and I ran four BR open days last year. Each day we started with instructors and were signed off to run solo after the first 3-4 runs. However, we were assigned to group #2 at the next open day (which of course requires an instructor). I know there were some issues with record keeping last year so that might explain part of the issue. Looking towards this year… it would be nice to run solo considering we’ve been signed off four times in the past. Thank you.

Eric -

I think you need to point this out at registration (when you sign up). There have been some staffing changes and, as you say , record keeping probably wasn’t the best. Note the fact that you had been signed off on previous occasions on your registration and see what happens.

In general at lapping days (regardless of who runs it), you might get put into a group other than the optimal group for your experience simply because the organizers are trying to balance out the car count per group. THis is also another possibility.

Do you have the instructor sheets from last year? This could help, too.


They don’t let you keep your instructor sheets - you have to turn them in at the end of your last session. I assume this is how they verify that you’ve been there and how you did.

I don’t think Eric or I have issues with being in Group 2, I know for myself, I don’t think I’m going to learn any additional lines through the course, and we’ve both proven that we’re safe, responsible drivers. Heck, there are two guys that were in our group on several occasions who didn’t have instructors who were off course several times. Besides, I believe Group 3 is for instructors and race-prepped cars.

Yeah, you’re right. I forgot that they kept the sheets. I wasn’t able to instruct last year because I couldn’t get the time off work on week days so I’m a little foggy on the BR procedures (I instruct for other groups, too). The intention was to keep a file on everyone but this might have had problems when the chief instructor left the Beaver Run staff last year. I know that Earl Seiler is looking to get more organized with this for 2006 - they had an instructor class late in 2005 that I went to.

If you haven’t registered yet, just note this on your registration. I wish I had a passenger seat for an instructor - I could use some fresh pointers to get my lap times down further. I am stuck in the 1:10’s for some reason… I am hoping that my off season mods will get me a second or two.

Thanks for you help Keith. T.C. and I mentioned something to Earl before the last open day last year. He had several people around him at the time and we only got his ear for about 30 seconds. He said come talk to him later but we figured it was too much of hassle to bother him again. Plus, we didn’t want to seem like jerks. We also said something as the time of registration. It’s fairly clear that they have had issues with record keeping. Plus, it has to be confusing with so many cars and drivers. Then toss in the major fact that they don’t want anyone getting hurt out there.

It’s obvious that organizing/running an open day is no easy task and the folks at BR do a very good job. Including the instructors. Kudos to them for jumping in a car not knowing the drivers skill level. Now that’s an extreme sport. :slight_smile: Running in group #2 is fine with me and I don’t mind staying there. T.C. and I have a lot to learn (as do most drivers) but we’ve proven to be safe and capable drivers. It gets a bit frustrating having 8-10 instructors over the course of a year only because they each have their own style thus they give different tips. Therefore, you try to practice their tips in the next session only to be told to try to do something different by a different instructor. Again, all the tips are great and necessary but there comes a time when it’s too much information. There have been times when I’ve been trying to practice something (line, hand position) suggested by one instructor only to be told “don’t do that” by another instructor. Again, the folks at BR do a good job. Our only point is that we would love to run solo then go back for more tips and suggestions as needed. Until then we will continue to do what we’re told. :slight_smile:

Don’t get hung up too much on any given instructor’s specific input on things like line and hand position - sum it with your current knowledge base. Each car and each driver will end up having a favorite for both comfort and speed. It’s once you develop habits according to you and your car’s liking, you can have the “second effect” from an instructor to get him to encourage you to try something different. I have to believe that you are probably about there anyway.

…and yes it is an extreme sport jumping into a car with someone you just met and telling them to drive as fast as they possibly can. I have had some experiences over the years. Believe me.

I should be going… can’t wait to test out the new coilovers. Can’t wait to show u m3 guys up (just kidding :slight_smile: …, my 2.5L of slow isn’t enough yet)

Hey I am going to the autox school this year…you gonna be there? Also I am going to try road racing as well hopefully you will be there to instructing. You did a good job helping me out at autox. I need schooled on how to rip my ws6

Yep, I remember you quite well. I am always happy to see the f-body guys (and even the Mustang guys) come out and try these cars out on the twisties. I am not sure which autocross school you will be attending but if my schedule allows, I will probably be there.

I am thinking that I won’t be instructing at the March 19th lapping day because I need to dedicate some time to all of the changes I made to the car this winter (cambered and toed the rear among other things).

If you see me at an event (autocross, lapping, road race) make sure you drop by if I don’t see you first.

Sounds good, I am going to go to the lessons for sure on May 6th for autox. For the road racing I am not sure when I am going. Do these things fill up fast, how far in advance do you recomend to sign up?

OK, you’re coming out to the NHSCC school at North Park. I will likely be there. SIgn up early for this one because the slots can fill relatively quickly.

The lapping days don’t always fill up and you usually can wait. Unlike the above, if you miss one, you can always get to the next one. There are lots through the year.

Ok I will sign up asap…when is the earliest I can sign up for the autox school?

I am not sure when NHSCC registration is open for the year. You might want to send an e-mail to the President of the club and ask. His e-mail address is here:

Who Mark??