pics of friends setup in the making

Yeah, the videos showed that.

^^^ aint cool to post here.

See the funny thing is, a few people (at best) like me here. No one likes you.

I’m sure you won’t be talking like that in person.

Historically you’ve been the one that jumps in everyone’s shit, then can’t take it when its dished back out. I could really care less if your car beats mine, at the end of the day all I have is an intake, and I don’t need to worry about it breaking every time I run someone.

i meant the content of you post. once again misinterpreted

wont be talking like what? wtf is your deal you seem worked up about something. Is it cuz death is making up drama about me supposedly talking shit? he brought up your car and all i said was ok… ill run it. Nothing to take personal.:dunno

Listen dude, this shit is a small hobby of mine… you are interested in cars for a more social reason than I.

You said a few months back, in person “ill dust that 5.0, get him out here”. Not, ok ill run it. More shit you’ve made up like youre 500,000$ house you own and the list goes on.

I must be blind then, so must everyone else as well that witnessed as well.

ill dust him and ill run him are the same thing really… i guess i see how you could take offense to that.

edit- wrong place>

Idk, every time I hear second hand shit about you it sounds extremely negative, and based on your posts on here, that’s validated. I hear that you talk shit, and naturally I get a bit riled up. If that’s not the case so be it. I supose I just have a negative view if you based on what I see on here.

understandable… im really not that affiliated with lots of negativity in general… pretty easy going dude.


Back to the work at hand. Do you not understand what I am talking about OP? Anything upstream from the turbo has to be shielded on the inside of the welds. And judging by the BIG GLOPPY WELDS, the fitment wasnt very good, prior to welding wither, so how many pieces of mig wire missed the weld pool and get sent into the part, arced off and kept going? leaving some welding wire inside waiting to go through a turbo?

I dont care if thats free labor, free materials or what… its NOT a proper part anyway you look at it. If your friend is at all serious about working on cars and building things, he needs to take the time and do things CORRECTLY. While it seems like I am busting balls, my information about what he didnt do right, at all, is true and should be taken as it is. Tell him to listen to what I am saying and follow direction, the results will improve.

and that square manifold thing and the civic turbo setup… ohh my. Tell me thats cast iron migged to some mild steel square stock? :facepalm.


you already ranted on all that welding mumbo jumbo. it aint my car. My car is all SS. appreciate the CC but really in the tone you are ranting… makes you seem kinda like a dick and that it bothers you, especially now this is your second time ranting on the same shit. Let it go. No one compared their welds to yours.

Mike is trying to help ya out brosef. Reading comprehension must not have been your strongest subject, cause he never once compaired his welds against the ones you posted.

but whatever. peace.

telling everyone to shut the fuck up?? this is shift - can talk about whatever… topics can change abruptly… no need to get worked up, I can appreciate friendly CC all day, but it just seems like im getting barked at. This is not a technical thread nor a shift 518 project thread.

It’s a birdshit weld thread

ive seen some of KK’s bird shit welds. he didnt like that when people jumped on his shit.

Well you did post of pics of some “work”, people started bashing it, mike just wanted to findout about it to help out if possible then the thread went to shift…shocked i know, so was I. but know you dont even want to talk about the “work” which makes no sense to me. I think you can see hes “yelling” due to the epic neg battle…lol.

also if it not a tech thread or project then what was the purpose of posting? just to shit on???